To create FileStoreFactory instances from properties files:

  1. For each EAC application, create a properties file for the corresponding FileStoreFactory component. Set the $class property to atg.endeca.assembler.content.ExtendedFileStoreFactory:


  2. Set the configurationPath property of each FileStoreFactory component to the file-system pathname of the directory to retrieve promoted content from. For example, the configurationPath property for the FileStoreFactory component associated with an EAC application named ATGde might be:


  3. Set the appName property of each FileStoreFactory component to the name of the associated EAC application. For example:


  4. Modify the /atg/endeca/assembler/AssemblerApplicationConfiguration component in the local server configuration. Set the useFileStoreFactory property to true to automatically set a reference to the corresponding FileStoreFactory on the application’s WorkbenchContentSource:


  5. Set the applicationKeyToStoreFactory property of the AssemblerApplicationConfiguration component to map application keys to the FileStoreFactory components you created. For example:


  6. Modify the /atg/endeca/assembler/admin/EndecaAdministrationService component in the local server configuration. Set the $class property to atg.endeca.assembler.MultiAppAdministrationService:


    The MultiAppAdministrationService class is able to handle updates to multiple store factory instances.

  7. Set the storeFactory property of the EndecaAdministrationService component to null:


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