The ContentMgmt.Endeca.Index module includes a /atg/content/endeca/index/ContentMgmtSimpleIndexingAdmin component (of class atg.endeca.index.admin.SimpleIndexingAdmin) for managing the process of indexing data from the content management repository. This component is similar to the /atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin component, except that it is configured by default to index article and mediaContent items rather than items in the product catalog repository. In addition, the ContentMgmtSimpleIndexingAdmin is configured to use a different EndecaScriptService component (/atg/content/endeca/index/EndecaScriptService) to invoke EAC scripts, but this component’s configuration is identical to that of the /atg/commerce/endeca/index/EndecaScriptService component described in the EndecaScriptService section of the Configuring the Indexing Components chapter.

If you prefer, you can configure a single SimpleIndexingAdmin component to manage indexing of both repositories. Oracle Commerce Reference Store uses this approach, reconfiguring the ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin component to invoke the Indexable components associated with both repositories.

This section describes the default configuration of ContentMgmtSimpleIndexingAdmin. For more information about these properties, see the ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin section of the Configuring the Indexing Components chapter.


This property defines the phases and tasks of an indexing job, and the order in which the phases are executed. By default, this is set to:


A boolean that controls whether to run tasks within a phase in parallel. Set to true by default. If set to false, the tasks are executed in sequence, in the order specified in the phaseToPrioritiesAndTasks property.


A boolean that controls whether to invoke indexing automatically on a specified schedule. Set to false by default.


A String that specifies the schedule for performing baseline updates. Set to null by default. If you set enableScheduledIndexing to true, set baselineSchedule to a String that conforms to one of the formats accepted by classes implementing the atg.service.scheduler.Schedule interface.


A String that specifies the schedule for performing partial updates. The format for the String is the same as the format used for baselineSchedule. Set to null by default.


The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying a scheduled indexing job if the first attempt to execute it fails. Set by default to -1, which means no retry. If you change this value, you should set it to a relatively short amount of time to ensure that the indexing job completes before the next scheduled job begins. If ContentMgmtSimpleIndexingAdmin estimates that the retried job will not complete before the next scheduled job, it skips the retry.


Specifies the component that manages queueing of index jobs. Set by default to /atg/endeca/index/InMemoryJobQueue, which is the same component used by ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin.

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