Agregación y actualización de software en Oracle® Solaris 11.2

Salir de la Vista de impresión

Actualización: Julio de 2014

Visualización de licencias de paquetes

Utilice la opción --license para mostrar los textos de licencia de los paquetes coincidentes. Esta información puede ser bastante extensa. No se muestra otra información mostrada por el comando pkg info cuando la opción --license no está especificada.

$ pkg info --license osnet-incorporation
You acknowledge that your use of this Oracle Solaris software product
is subject to (i) the license terms that you accepted when you obtained
the right to use Oracle Solaris software; or (ii) the license terms that
you agreed to when you placed your Oracle Solaris software order with
Oracle; or (iii) the Oracle Solaris software license terms included with
the hardware that you acquired from Oracle; or, if (i), (ii) or (iii)
are not applicable, then, (iv) the OTN License Agreement for Oracle
Solaris (which you acknowledge you have read and agree to) available at
Note: Software downloaded for trial use or downloaded as replacement
media may not be used to update any unsupported software.