Oracle VTS 8.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: January 2016

Software Architecture

The software follows a two-tier architecture model. It consists of two distinct layers: client and agent, as shown below.

image:Oracle VTS Architecture

Note -  Previous versions of the software supported a BUI interface. As of Oracle VTS 8.0, the BUI interface is no longer available. Instead, a GUI is provided. For instructions on using the BUI with earlier versions of the software, refer to the Sun VTS 7.0 Software User's Guide.
  • Client layer: Consists of the user interfaces for the software. Three different user interfaces are supported: the GUI, TTY, and CLI.

  • Agent layer: This layer consists of all the tests for testing the hardware, and a harness, which manages the tests. The harness also handles chores like the following:

    • Logging of messages

    • Handling of commands coming from different user interfaces

    • Updating status messages

    • Probing hardware

The harness (vtsk) acts as the control center for a testing session. The harness is the entity that controls and manages the complete working of a testing session. The harness performs functions like:

  • Starting and stopping tests

  • Handling commands from the user interfaces

  • Scheduling

Like the test, the vtsk process needs to be run on the machine under test.

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