Oracle VTS 8.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: January 2016

Expected Behavior in Different Use Cases

  • When the Auto Mode Sequencer completes the test sequence.

    The Auto Mode Sequencer completes its cycle of execution when all the loops of the selected sequence complete testing (default is 1 loop). At this point, the status will show IDLE. To start the sequencer again, perform a reset and restart the testing.

  • When Auto Mode Sequencer execution encounters an error.

    If even one test (LT) incurs an error in a particular mode of the sequence, the sequencer will not proceed for the next mode. All the other tests will complete execution for the same mode and stop. The sequencer will not proceed because a test error may go unnoticed if the next sequence of mode starts.

  • When the Execution is Stopped (due to a manual stop or some other condition like a time limit).

    • Manual stop: The Mode Sequencer is an automated process. Once set and started, manual stops should be avoided unless stopping is necessary. If the mode sequencer is stopped before finishing, you need to reset the software to start with the Mode Sequencer again. When you select reset, all the parameters like pass, or elapsed time, will be reset to 0. Now the tests can be restarted and the software will start the Auto Mode Sequencer from the first sequence.

    • Time limit: There is no global time limit for the Auto Mode Sequencer. Only the individual modes have time limits. To start the mode sequencer again, press reset, and start testing.

  • When the user stops and changes modes.

    If the Auto Mode Sequencer must be stopped in between runs to perform a specific mode test, the best method is to set the Sequencer option to Disable and start the specific mode.

    For example, if the Auto Mode Sequencer is stopped before the currently running mode in the sequence is complete, and the mode is changed to another mode:

    • The changed mode will not start if there are other modes to be run in the sequencer.

    • The next mode in the sequence will start.

      If the last mode in the sequence is running, and testing stops before the test sequence completes, the changed mode will still work, because there are no more modes to run in the sequencer. This means that the mode sequencer is finished and any further test run will run with the mode that is presently set.

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