Oracle VTS 8.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: January 2016

CLI Overview

vts_cmd is a UNIX shell application that enables you to send a single command to the VTS kernel (vtsk) from the command line. The VTS kernel processes the command and sends the response back to the command line.

To control a test session, vtsk must be running. While the test is running, you can control the session using the vts_cmd commands.

The software's API is character-based, which means that a string of characters (in the form of a command) can be sent to the VTS kernel.

This action returns a reply back in the form of a string of characters. vts_cmd enables you to send commands and receive replies from a UNIX command-line. vtstalk is a utility used to establish a connection to the VTS kernel.

Note - The examples sections show vts_cmd commands. If using vtstalk commands, replace ./vts_cmd with vtstalk(hostname) in the below examples.

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