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Oracle VTS 8.2.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: March 2017

Change Individual Test Options (CLI)

  1. To view the options of a particular test, type:
    ./vts_cmd get_test_options test-name

    where test-name is the name of the test for which you want to view options.

    The parameters for the test options include stress factor (high or low), scheduling policy (test passes or test time in minutes), and error limit. The parameters have been defined under type of display, the chosen or default value, and the choices or range of values.

  2. To set the test options for the test of your choice, type:
    ./vts_cmd set_test_options test-name [Stress:low/high,Scheduling Policy:Test Time<,mins>/Test Passes,Test Time<mins>:x*,Test Passes:y*,Error Limit:z*]

    where x, y, and z denote time, pass, and error count, respectively.To set the test options, you must provide all the option parameters (stress, scheduling policy, and error limit} with a value in the format shown. You can determine the values from the options listed by using the get_test_options command, as per testing requirements. A confirmation message with the word DONE in it verifies that the operation was successful. If the command fails, an error string is displayed along with the usage help.

    Note - You cannot set the global options when the vts kernel is not in idle state.
  3. To view the devices and options exported for a test, type:
    ./vts_cmd get_device_options [testname.devicename]
  4. To set the device options exported for the test, type:
    ./vts_cmd set_device_options [testname.devicename:Exported Variable1:Value1,Exported Variable2:Value2.....]
  5. To delete the device options exported for the test, type:
    ./vts_cmd delete_session sunvts_session xyz

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