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Oracle VTS 8.2.0 Software User's Guide

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Updated: March 2017

Set Up Man Page Access

The man pages are installed in the /usr/sunvts/man directory. To access the man pages, follow these steps to add this directory to your MANPATH variable in the initialization that corresponds to your login shell. (usually, .profile for the Bourne and Korn shells or .login for the C shell).

  1. Using an editor, add the man directory (/usr/sunvts/man/) to the MANPATH variable in the appropriate initialization file.
    • For Bourne or Korn shell:

      export MANPATH= /usr/share/man:/usr/man:/usr/sunvts/man
    • For C shell:

      setenv MANPATH /usr/share/man:/usr/man:/usr/sunvts/man
  2. Source the modified initialization file (with the .[dot] or the source command), or log out and log back in.
  3. Ensure that the man directory is part of the MANPATH variable:
    # echo $MANPATH

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