Identity Token

An Identity Token is an integrity-secured, self-contained token (in JSON Web Token (JWT) format) that is defined in the OpenID Connect standard containing claims about the end user. The Identity Token is the primary extension that OpenID Connect makes to OAuth 2.0 to enable authentication.

The Identity Token JWT consists of three components, a header, a payload, and the digital signature. Following the JWT standard, these three sections are Base64URL encoded and separated by periods.


OpenID Connect requests must contain the openid scope value.

OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows an Oracle Identity Cloud Service client application (registered as an OAuth 2 client with client ID and client secret) to verify the identity of the end user based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server (AS), as well as to obtain basic profile information about the end user in an interoperable, REST-like manner. OpenID Connect allows clients of all types, including web-based, mobile, and JavaScript clients to request and receive information about authenticated sessions and end users. See OpenID Connect for more information.

Name Value
amr Authentication Methods References. JSON array of strings that are identifiers for authentication methods used in the authentication. For instance, values might indicate that both password and OTP authentication methods were used.
at_hash OAuth 2 Access Token hash value.
aud Identifies recipients for which this ID Token is intended. Must be the OAuth 2.0 client_id (per the OpenID Connect specification). This is the OAuth client name ( that is making the request. Aud also contains the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Issuer, thereby turning the token type (IT) into an Oracle Identity Cloud Service User Assertion.
authn_strength* The value returned by Cloud SSO indicating Authentication Strength from AuthN Context.
auth_time The time (UNIX epoch time) when Cloud SSO actually authenticated the user (in seconds, coming from AuthN Context).
azp Authorized party. The party to which the ID Token was issued. If present, it MUST contain the OAUth 2.0 Client ID of this party. This claim is only needed when the ID Token has a single audience value and that audience is different than the authorized party. It may be included even when the authorized party is the same as the sole audience. The azp value is a case sensitive string that contains a StringOrURI value.
exp The expiration time (UNIX epoch time) on or after which the ID Token must not be accepted for processing. This value must be same as the session_exp.
iat The time (UNIX epoch time) when the JWT was created (in seconds). UNIX Epoch Time is a JSON number representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z as measured in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) until the date/time.
iss The principal that issued the token:
jti The server-generated unique identifier for the JWT ID.
nonce The string value used to associate a client session with an ID Token and to mitigate replay attacks. This value is provided by Cloud Gate.
session_exp* The time (UNIX epoch time) when the Cloud SSO session expires (seconds, must be the same SSO's session expiration in AuthN context).
sid The session ID from Cloud SSO (255 maximum ASCII characters) from AuthN Context.
sub Identifies the user. The subject identifier is locally unique, never reassigned, and is intended to be consumed by the client: User Login ID (255 maximum ASCII characters). This is the user's login ID from AuthN Context.
sub_mappingattr* The attribute used to locate the sub in the ID store.
tok_type* Identifies the token type: IT
user_displayname* The User Display Name (255 maximum ASCII characters) from AuthN Context.
user_csr* Indicates (true) that the user is a Customer Service Representative (CSR).
user_id* The user's Oracle Identity Cloud Service GUID from AuthN Context.
user_lang* The user's preferred language.
user_locale* The user's locale.
user_tenantname* The User Tenant Name (255 maximum ASCII characters). Tenant's GUID is specifically not saved in the token
user_tz* The user's time zone.