Supporting Different URLs for Getting Refresh Token and Access Token

Remote Identity Providers can provide different types of tokens. Declarative provider supports token URL for both access and refresh tokens. Separate refresh token URLs will be added in meta data API.

After the refresh token URL is added, a new URL will be returned if it is not empty, otherwise it returns the token URL to keep the current behavior. Declarative provider uses the refreshTokenUrl at regular IDP level if the URL is set.

A common use case is getting a seperate refresh token URL when the old one is expired. The job invokes the token refresh endpoint to obtain the access token.

Refresh tokens do expire, but are typically long-lived.

Use the following steps when you want to refresh the access token.


The default value for the refreshTokenExpiry attribute is seven days.

Step 1: Get the idcs infra token

Make a GET request to the /Apps endpoint, requesting a specific App ID, and then specify the refreshTokenExpiry attribute.

Request Example

GET tenant-base-url/admin/v1/Apps/{{appID}}?attributes=refreshTokenExpiry

Response Example

The refreshTokenExpiry attribute is returned in the response.

{ To be added later}

Step 2: Update Social meta data with updated refreshTokenUrl

To update the refreshTokenExpiry attribute value, make a POST request to the /Apps endpoint specifying the App ID, and then define the updated refreshTokenExpiry attribute value in the payload.

Request Example

{ "url": "",
 "method": "post"

Response Example

The response returned includes the updated refreshTokenExpiry attribute value.

{To be added later}

Step 3: Obtain idcsjob app secret

Request Example

Get the client secret by running the following command.

      --boot.config /scratch/idcs/app/data/conf/boot.conf.local oauth_token getClientSecret
      --tenant idcs-oracle -ci idcsjob

Step 4: Obtain access token for idcs job using the secret

Access token is obtained using the client secret obtained in Step 3

curl --noproxy '*' --insecure --silent --location --connect-timeout 7
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  
      -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=idcsjob&client_secret=<some secret>&scope=urn:opc:idm:__myscopes_"

Step 5: Invoke refresh token endpoint

Use access token obtained in Step 4 to invoke the refresh token endpoint.

curl --noproxy '*' --insecure --silent --location 
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <some access token>" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 
      -X POST -d "idp_name=Google Provisioning&refresh_token=<refresh token>"https://tenant-base-url/oauth2/v1/social/tokenrefresh

Step 6: Update refreshTokenUrl on the regular associated IDP

Request Example

{ "schemas": [
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp" ],
 "Operations": [ {
    "op":"replace", "path":"refreshTokenUrl", 
} ]}

When the refresh token url is added at the regular associated IDP, it will take precedence on the URL added at declarative provider and is used for refreshing the access token.