Settings REST Endpoints

Maintains a customized company logo, company name, login text, default locale, and so on. Oracle Customer Service Reps access permission is also maintained here. This REST API is SCIM compliant.

There is a single pre-seeded instance of Settings in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
New instances cannot be created and an existing instance cannot be removed. But, you can update a single instance via PUT or PATCH.
Get Settings
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/Settings/{id}
HTTP Options
Method: options
Path: /admin/v1/Settings
Replace Settings
Method: put
Path: /admin/v1/Settings/{id}
Search Settings
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/Settings
Search Settings Using POST
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/Settings/.search
Update a Setting
Method: patch
Path: /admin/v1/Settings/{id}