Antivirus Scanning on File Cabinet Files


This is a required feature. Administrators cannot request the service is switched off. No setup is required.

All files stored in the File Cabinet are screened for malicious content. This is done automatically when attempting to upload a file either through the user interface, SuiteScript or Web Services. Files that are determined to be malicious are rejected. In such cases you will receive the following error message either in the UI or through the console: “The file '{1:filename} was not saved to the File Cabinet. An Unexpected error has occurred.”

If you believe a rejected file is safe, please contact Customer Support for help resolving the issue.

Files received in NetSuite from email attachments are also scanned for viruses. These may include attachments in support cases, or through the use of the email capture plug-in feature. If a file attachment is determined to be malicious, it is automatically blocked without sending an error message.

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