Configuring Administrative Notifications

NetSuite uses administrative notifications, displayed when you log in, to provide you with important information about changes to your account such as infrastructure maintenance, service upgrades, or any potentially high impacting change that may affect your business.

It is important to configure the appropriate recipients to receive these notifications so that you can plan appropriately for these maintenance events. Some examples include:

You can configure administrative notification recipients by going to Setup > Company > Company Management > Administrative Notifications to add the users you want to receive the notifications, and to view information about when and by whom notifications have been confirmed.


This page is only available to users with the Setup Company permission.

By default, all administrative notifications are presented to all account administrators, and each administrator must acknowledge the notification to access the NetSuite account.

You can define configuration settings separately for each of the notification types listed below to make sure all notifications are going to the most appropriate recipients:

Related Topics

General Notices