ASN Verification

  1. Once the ASN is completely received, operators will need to verify the receipt in order to send a verification file back to the host system. In order to send this verification file, perform the following steps:
    1. From the Inbound Shipments screen, select the ASN that requires verification and click ‘Verify.’
    2. WM will display a pop-up screen to operations in order to confirm the verification process.

      Confirming ASN Verification
    3. Once you select “OK”, WMS will verify the ASN, and create an output ASN verification file. If no is selected, WM will not verify the ASN, and the ASN can first be reconciled before the verification process (based on associated business processes.)

      ASN Verification Message
    4. Oracle WMS Cloud will generate an ASN verification file – if integration is configured, Oracle WMS Cloud will drop the verification file to a shared SFTP directory (typically the ‘output’ folder).