Receive Cartonize Details from the ASN Detail Screen

From the Inbound Shipment Detail screen, users can now perform receiving on Cartonized details at LPN level. There is a button called ‘Receive LPN’ provide which is access controlled and will work with multiple LPNs selected the detail page. Appropriate validations are performed for enabling of the button. Currently it is only restricted to receive at LPN level and not at Pallet level.

The ‘Receive LPN’ action button will not be disabled if a shipment detail has the quality check as yes. By default, the newly added screen parameter ‘consider-mark-for-qc-flg’ is set to ‘No’ and the ‘Receive Entire shipment’ at the IB Shipment header level, will mark the LPN status as ‘Received’ even if the shipment details has quality check as ‘Yes’. Also, receiving an LPN from the ‘Receive LPN’ Action button in the IB shipment details screen will mark the LPN status as ‘Received’.

  • The ‘Receive LPN’ Action button will mark the LPN status as ‘Quality Check’ if the shipment detail has quality check as ‘Yes’.

Note: This functionality only works when the IB shipment detail is marked for QC. This functionality only works in the RF.