
The Address zone displays the details of the address. It contains the following sections:

  • Main - Displays the basic information about the address. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Address Information Displays information about the address.
    Address ID Displays the address ID.
    Country Indicates the country to which the address belongs.
    Note: The remaining fields in this section appear when the respective data is available in the address. Also, the labels of the address fields will change depending on the business label defined for the respective address field in the Country screen.
    City Displays the city name.
    Address 1 Displays the first line of the address. It may contain details, such as house number and apartment name.
    Address 2 Displays the second line of the address. It may contain details, such as street name.
    Address 3 Displays the third line of the address. It may contain the landmark details.
    Address 4 Displays the fourth line of the address.
    Number 1 Displays the numeric information, if any, related to the address.
    Number 2 Displays the numeric information, if any, related to the address.
    House Type Indicates the type of the house.
    County Displays the county name.
    State Indicates the state where the city or county is located.
    Postal Displays the postal or zip code of the address.
    In City Limit Indicates whether the address is within the city limit. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Geographic Code Displays the geographic code of the address.
    Status Indicates the status of the address. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

  • Characteristics - Lists the characteristics defined for the address. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Effective Date Displays the date from when the characteristic is effective for the address.
    Characteristic Type Indicates the characteristic type.
    Characteristic Value Displays the value of the characteristic type.
  • Address Entities - Lists the entities associated to the address. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Effective Date Displays the date from when the address is associated with the entity.
    Address Type Indicates the type of the address. The valid values are:
    • Account Override

    • Person Mailing

    • Person Seasonal

    Entity Type Indicates the type of the entity. The valid values are:
    • Account

    • Adjustment

    • Person

    Entity ID Indicates the entity to which the address is associated.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Person, Account, or Adjustment screen appears where you can view the details of the respective entity.
    Account-Person ID Indicates the account holder to whom the address is associated.
    Note: The data appears in this column when the entity type is set to Account and the address type is set to Account Override.
  • Record Actions - This section contains the following buttons:

    Button Name Button Description
    Edit Used to edit the details of the address.
    Note: If the Enable Effective Dated Address Feature option type of the C1-Address feature configuration is set to Y, you can edit the details of an address which is associated to an entity using the Person Mailing, Person Seasonal, or Account Override address type.
    Delete Used to delete the address.
    Note: You can delete an address when it is not used in either bill routing information of an account or in a statement construct of a person.
    Duplicate Used to create a new address using an existing address.
  • Record Information - This section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Business Object Indicates the business object using which the address is created. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Business Object screen appears where you can view the details of the respective business object.
    Create Date/Time Displays the date and time when the address is created.

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