Editing an Address


To edit an address, you should have:

  • Countries and their states defined in the application

  • House types defined in the HOUSE_​TYPE lookup field


To edit an address:

  1. Search for the address in the Address screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Address Information column corresponding to the address whose details you want to edit.
    The Address Information screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Main tab is selected.
  4. Click the Edit button in the Address zone.

    The Address screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the address.

    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for the address.

    • Address Entities - Used to associate the address with one or more entities, such as person, account, or adjustment.

    The Main section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Country Used to indicate the country.

    The list includes only those countries which are already defined in the system.

    On selecting a country, only those address fields which are set as Optional while defining the country appear in the Main section. Also, the labels of the address fields will change depending on the business label which is defined for the respective address field in the Country screen.

    State Used to indicate the state where the city or county is located.
    Note: The states listed in this field change depending on the country that you have selected.
    Address 1 Used to specify the first line of the address. It may contain details, such as house number and apartment name. No
    Address 2 Used to specify the second line of the address. It may contain details, such as street name. No
    Address 3 Used to specify the third line of the address. It may contain the landmark details. No
    Address 4 Used to specify the fourth line of the address. No
    City Used to specify the city name. No
    Number 1 Used to specify the numeric information, if any, related to the address. No
    Number 2 Used to specify the numeric information, if any, related to the address. No
    County Used to specify the county name. No
    Postal Used to specify the postal or zip code of the address. No
    House Type Used to indicate the type of the house.
    Note: The list includes only those values which are defined in the HOUSE_​TYPE lookup field.
    In City Limit Used to indicate whether the address is within the city limit. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Geographic Code Used to specify the geographic code of the address. No
  5. Modify the required details in the Main section.
    Note: If the Enable Effective Dated Address Feature option type of the C1-Address feature configuration is set to Y, you can edit the details of an address which is associated to an entity using the Person Mailing, Person Seasonal, or Account Override address type.
  6. Define, edit, or remove characteristics of the address, if required.
  7. Associate or dissociate entities from the address, if required.
    Note: If the Enable Effective Dated Address Feature option type of the C1-Address feature configuration is set to Y, you can edit the entity details or disassociate an entity from an address when the address is associated to the entity using the Person Mailing, Person Seasonal, or Account Override address type.
  8. Click Save.
    The changes made to the address are saved.

    If the approval workflow is configured for the C1-Address business object, the approval transaction is created on clicking the Save button. Once the approver approves the approval transaction, the changes made to the address are saved.

    You can edit an address when it is not used in either bill routing information of an account or in a statement construct of a person.

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