Technical Implementation Of Batch Letter Production

The batch process that extracts letter information (known by the batch control ID of LTRPRT ) reads all customer contact records in a given run number that are marked with its batch control ID. For each customer contact, it creates numerous records on a flat file. These records contain the person information that is merged onto your letters.

The information that is placed on each record is controlled by the customer contact's letter template's extraction algorithm. Refer to Letter Templates Control The Information On Letters for more information.

The records on the flat file can be constructed in either the Doc 1 format (to be used by the Doc 1 software), or in MS Word's field delimited format. The format that's used is controlled by a parameter supplied to the LTRPRT background process.

  • The Doc1 flat file is created with multiple records of various record types for every customer contact record.
  • The Word flat file is created with one record for every customer contact record processed. Each of the fields is delimited by a special character (e.g. "~").
Note: Alternate print / routing methods. If you require different print formats, you must create new letter extract algorithms and plug them in on your letter template.