Detail Record Layout for GLDL

Note: A record is created for each unique occurrence of REC_​TYPE, GL_​DIVISION, CURRENCY_​CD, GL_​ACCOUNT and ACCT_​PERIOD. If a given GL account has debit and credit FINANCIAL_​AMOUNTs, two records will be created - one shows the debit amount, the other shows the credit amount.
The following table lists the fields of the FT GL records which are extracted while executing the GL Download Extract (GLDL) batch:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
REC_​TYPE A1 2 (2 is used for detail records)
GL_​DIVISION A5 This is the GL Division from the CI_​FT record. It determines a) which Accounting Calendar will be used to calculate the Accounting Period (below) and b) the currency of the FT.
CURRENCY_​CD A3 The currency in which the Amount is denominated.
GL_​ACCOUNT A254 Contains the GL account number as supplied by the distribution code's GL account algorithm.
ACCT_​PERIOD A6 An accounting period in the format YYYYPP where YYYY is the fiscal year and PP is the accounting period. This is derived from the GL detail's FT's accounting date and GL division.
FINANCIAL_​AMOUNT N13.2 This is the debit or credit amount. Debits are represented by positive numbers; credits are represented by negative numbers. If a given GL account has debit and credit entries, two records will be created - one shows the debit amount, the other shows the credit amount.
STAT_​CODE A8 This is the GL distribution code's statistic code (if any)
STAT_​AMOUNT N13.2 This is the statistical amount from the GL detail lines
Note: The GLASSIGN process updates an FT's GL details with the appropriate GL account number.