Header Record Layout

The following table lists the fields that are extracted in the header of a flat file which is generated using the Download Extract (GLDL) batch:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
REC_​TYPE A1 1 (1 is used for header records)
BATCH_​CD A8 The code for the batch process that created the file. (This value will always be 'GLDL'.)
BATCH_​NBR N10 The batch process will be run many times. This field indicates which of those runs produced a particular output file. This may be thought of as an instance identifier for the batch process.
BATCH_​RERUN_​NBR N10 Any given instance of the GLDL batch process may be re-run at any time. If this instance has been re-run, this field will be populated with a number indicating how often.
EXTRACT_​DTTM A26 The date and time of the run that created a particular output file.
DETAIL_​REC_​CNT N12 The number of details records
DETAIL_​REC_​TOTAL_​DR N13.2 This is the sum of FINANCIAL_​AMOUNTs from all detail records that were greater than zero (debits).
DETAIL_​REC_​TOTAL_​CR N13.2 This is the sum of FINANCIAL_​AMOUNTs from all detail records that were less than zero (credits).