How To Match A Small Mismatch

Assume the following scenario arises:

  • A bill is produced for $2000
  • The customer pays $1993
  • An unbalanced match event will result because the customer didn't pay exactly what is owed

If you want to match this payment to the bill (and leave $7 for the next bill), do the following:

  • Create a transfer adjustment of $7 where the transfer from / to contract is the same. This results in a debit financial transaction (FT) of $7 and a credit FT of $7.
  • Create a match event (or update the unbalanced match event) where the matched FTs are:
    • The $1993 payment
    • The credit side of the transfer adjustment ($7)
  • And the $2000 bill
  • Then, if the customer pays their next bill in full, the $7 debit (associated with the transfer adjustment) will be swept onto it.
Note: Automating small mismatches. The algorithm responsible for matching a payment to a specific bill can have a tolerance amount defined on it. If the payment is within the tolerance limit, this algorithm will do the above for you. In other words, you don't have to manually do the above if you populate the tolerance limit appropriately on this algorithm. Refer to DSOV BILL-ID for more information about this algorithm.