3 rd Party Deposits

A 3 rd party deposit arises when a 3 rd party remits cash to cover the deposit needs of one or more accounts. Both cash and non-cash deposits must be created to record a 3 rd party deposit. The following example will explain how to do this.

Assume the Salvation Army remits $5,000 on behalf of 50 customers (where each customer's account is allocated $100). In this situation, you'd create the following information in the system:

  • The Salvation Army must have an account with a deposit contract.
  • When the Salvation Army remits the funds:
CAUTION: If you do not understand the difference between payoff balance and current balance, refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount.
  • Create an adjustment to "bill" the deposit contract (causing the deposit contract's current balance to be $5,000 and the payoff balance to be 0).
  • Add a payment for the $5,000 against the Salvation Army's account. This payment will cause the deposit contract's current balance to be 0 and the payoff balance to be -$5,000. Note, if you don't mind the Salvation Army's current balance to be -$5,000 after the payment is made, you wouldn't have to create the adjustment to "bill" the deposit.
  • Create a non-cash deposit for each of the 50 accounts being covered by the cash deposit. On each non-cash deposit, define the appropriate non-cash deposit type (e.g., 3 rd party deposit) and amount $100 each.
  • Interest will be applied to the Salvation Army's deposit contract as per the interest algorithm on the deposit contract's deposit class.
  • If you need to use the Salvation Army's payment to payoff overdue debt, you will use a transfer adjustment(s) to transfer from the deposit contract to the respective overdue contract(s).
Note: Important! Be aware that the system will allow the sum of 3 rd party deposits to exceed the amount of the cash deposit (in our previous example, the system would allow you to create $6,000 worth of 3 rd party non-cash deposits even though only $5,000 of cash was remitted).