Creating a Hold Request for an Overdue Process


To create a hold request for an overdue process:

  1. Search for an overdue process in the Delinquency Central screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, select the check box corresponding to the Overdue Process Information column for whom you want to create a hold request for an overdue process.
  3. Click Create Hold Request button.
    The Add Hold Request screen appears. It contains the following field:
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Hold Request Type Used to indicate the hold request type that is used for creating a hold request. Yes
  4. Select the required hold request type from the Hold Request Type field.
  5. Click OK.
    The Hold Request screen appears.
  6. Enter the required details for an overdue process.
  7. Click Save.
    A hold request is defined for an overdue process where the status of the hold request is set as Draft.

    The Hold Request screen appears where you can view the details of the hold request.

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Delinquency Central screen Delinquency Central (Used for Viewing)
Hold Request screen Hold Request (Used for Searching)
How to search for an overdue process Searching for an Overdue Process