XML File Format for Uploading Parameters

Before uploading a parameter file through the File Upload Interface utility, you need to ensure that the XML file contains the following tags:

Tag Name Tag Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
C1_​PRICE_​PARM Used to specify the details of the parameter whose record you want to create or update in the system. Yes
pricingEligibilitySw Used to indicate whether the parameter can be used while defining the pricing eligibility criteria. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Note: You must ensure that this tag contains N when the sourceEntityFlg tag contains TRN.
priceItemSw Used to indicate whether the parameter can be associated with a price item or price item bundle. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N


You must ensure that this tag contains N when a parameter is defined using the following source entity and source type combinations:

Source Entity Source Type
priceListEligibilitySw Used to indicate whether the parameter can be used while defining the price list eligibility criteria. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Note: You must ensure that this tag contains N when the sourceEntityFlg tag contains TRN.
productEligibilitySw Used to indicate whether the parameter can be used while defining the product eligibility criteria. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Note: You must ensure that this tag contains N when the sourceEntityFlg tag contains ALGO, SQI, or TRN.
priceParmCode Used to specify the parameter name.
Note: You cannot specify any special character except underscore (_​) in the parameter name.
description Used to specify the description for the parameter. Yes
priceParmTypeFlag Used to indicate the type of value that you want to store in the parameter. The valid values are:
  • ADV - Enables you to store an adhoc value in the parameter.

  • DFV - Enables you to store a predefined value in the parameter.

  • FKV - Enables you to store a reference value in the parameter.

sourceEntityFlg Used to indicate the entity from where the parameter value should be derived. The valid values are:
  • ACCT - Enables you to derive the parameter value from the account.

  • ALGO - Enables you to derive the parameter value from an algorithm.

  • PERS - Enables you to derive the parameter value from the person.

  • PRD - Enables you to derive the parameter value from the product.

  • SQI - Enables you to derive the parameter value from a service quantity identifier.

  • TRN - Enables you to derive the parameter value from a transaction.

sourceTypeCode Used to indicate the source, such as field, characteristic, usage amount, usage counter, SQI, or algorithm, from where the parameter value should be derived.

You must ensure that this tag contains no value when the sourceEntityFlg tag contains TRN.

You must ensure that this tag contains the following information depending on the source entity and source type combination:

Source Entity Source Type Source Type Code
ACCT CHAR A characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Account.
ACCT FLD A field from the CI_​ACCT table.
ACCT BAL A value from the BAL_​FLG lookup field.
ACCT CNT A value from the CNT_​FLG lookup field.
PERS CHAR A characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Person.
PERS FLD A field from the CI_​PER table.
PERS BAL A value from the BAL_​FLG lookup field.
PERS CNT A value from the CNT_​FLG lookup field.
PRD CHAR A characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Product.
PRD FLD A field from the C1_​PRODUCT table.
SQI - A service quantity identifier which is already defined in the system.
sourceTypeFlg Used to indicate the type of source from where the parameter value should be derived. The valid values are:
  • CHAR - Enables you to derive the parameter value from a characteristic.

  • FLD - Enables you to derive the parameter value from a field.

  • BAL - Enables you to derive the parameter value from a usage amount.

  • CNT - Enables you to derive the parameter value from a usage counter.


You must ensure that this tag contains no value when the sourceEntityFlg tag contains ALGO, SQI, or TRN.

You must ensure that this tag does not contain BAL or CNT when the sourceEntityFlg tag contains PRD.

validationAlgoCd Used to indicate the algorithm using which you want to validate the adhoc parameter value.
Note: You must ensure that this tag contains value when the priceParmTypeFlag tag contains ADV.
referredTable Used to indicate the table whose primary key (column) you want to set as the reference entity. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the priceParmTypeFlag tag contains FKV.
referredField Used to indicate the column which is the primary key of the table. The parameter value is then validated against the primary column of the table. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the priceParmTypeFlag tag contains FKV.
priceParmValue Used to specify a list of predefined values for the parameter. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the priceParmTypeFlag tag contains DFV.
priceParmVal Used to specify the parameter value.
Note: You can specify any special characters except ampersand (&), comma (,), underscore (_​), equal to (=), tilde (~), and semi-colon(;) in the predefined parameter value.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the priceParmTypeFlag tag contains DFV.
descr Used to specify the description for the parameter value. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the priceParmTypeFlag tag contains DFV.

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