XML File Format for Uploading Price Items

Before uploading a price item file through the File Upload Interface utility, you need to ensure that the XML file contains the following tags:

Tag Name Tag Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
C1_​PRICEITEM_​BO Used to specify the details of the price item or price item bundle whose record you want to create or update in the system. Yes
priceItemCode Used to specify the price item or price item bundle. Yes
description Used to specify the description for the price item or price item bundle. Yes
priceItemAvailFor Used to indicate whether the price item or price item bundle is used for only pricing or pricing and billing. The valid values are:
  • PRIC - Enables you to use the price item or price item bundle for only pricing.

  • PRBL - Enables you to use the price item or price item bundle for pricing and billing.

priceItemType Used to indicate the type of the price item or price item bundle. If the price item or price item bundle is used for only pricing, the valid values are:
  • FEES

  • RATE

However, if the price item or price item bundle is used for the pricing and billing, the valid value is:

  • FEES

piStatusFlag Used to indicate the status of the price item or price item bundle. The valid values are:
  • ACTV - Enables you to set the price item or price item bundle to Active.

  • INAC - Enables you to set the price item or price item bundle to Inactive.

bundleSw Used to indicate whether you want to define a price item bundle. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

bundleTypeFlg Used to indicate the type of the price item bundle. If the price item bundle is available for pricing and billing, the valid values are:
  • PHAN - Enables you to create a phantom price item bundle.

  • REGU - Enables you to create a regular price item bundle.

  • RTIO - Enables you to create a ratio price item bundle.

However, if the price item bundle is available for only pricing and the price item type is set to FEES, the valid value is:

  • REGU - Enables you to create a regular price item bundle.

Note: You cannot define a price item bundle when it is available for only pricing and when the price item type is set to RATE.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you are creating a price item bundle.
asgnGlobalPlSw Used to indicate whether the price item or price item bundle can be assigned to a global price list. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

saType Used to indicate the contract type that you want to associate with the price item or price item bundle. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the price item or price item bundle is used for pricing and billing.
priceItemParm Used to specify the details of the parameter which you want to associate with the price item or price item bundle. No

You can use this tag within the following tags:

If this tag is used within... Then the purpose of the version tag is...
priceItemParm Used to specify the date from when the parameter is effective for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemRel Used to specify the date from when the price item or price item bundle is associated with the parent price item or added to the price item or price item bundle.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do either of the following:
  • Associate a parameter with the price item or price item bundle

  • Associate a price item or price item bundle with the parent price item

  • Add a price item or price item bundle to the price item bundle


You can use this tag within the following tags:

If this tag is used within... Then the purpose of the version tag is...
priceItemParm Used to specify the date till when the parameter is effective for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemRel Used to specify the date till when the price item or price item bundle is associated with the parent price item or added to the price item or price item bundle.
priceParmCode Used to indicate the parameter that you want to associate with the price item or price item bundle.

You must specify a parameter which is already defined in the system.

The system allows you to specify only those parameters where the parameter usage is set to Price Item.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to associate a parameter with the price item or price item bundle.
overridePriceParmLabel Used to specify a business label for the parameter. If the business label is defined for a parameter, the business label appears instead of the parameter name. No
displayOrder Used to indicate the order in which the parameter and its value should be displayed in the price item parameter information string across the application. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to associate a parameter with the price item or price item bundle.
parmUsageFlg Used to indicate whether you want to use the parameter for aggregation and/or for defining the price item pricing. The valid values are:
  • AGG

    - Indicates that you want to use the parameter for aggregating transactions.
  • PRI

    - Indicates that you want to use the parameter for aggregating transactions and defining the price item pricing.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to associate a parameter with the price item or price item bundle.
isRequired Used to indicate whether the parameter is mandatory while defining the price item pricing. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

priorityNum Used to indicate the priority in which optional parameters should be considered while determining best fit price for the price item or price item bundle. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to associate an optional parameter with the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemParmVal Used to specify a list of predefined parameter values which are valid for the price item or price item bundle.
Note: The data should be added in this tag when the value type of the parameter is set to Predefined.
priceParmVal Used to indicate the predefined parameter value which you can use for the price item or price item bundle while defining the pricing. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to define valid predefined parameter values for the price item or price item bundle.
divPriceitem Used to specify a list of divisions which you want to associate with the price item or price item bundle. Yes
division Used to indicate the division to which you want to associate the price item or price item bundle. Yes
priceItemSqi Used to specify a list of division-specific SQIs for the price item or price item bundle. No
serviceQuantityIdentifier Used to indicate the SQI to which you want to associate the price item or price item bundle in the division. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to define a division-specific SQI for the price item or price item bundle.
sqlFragment At present, the data from this tag is not stored in the system. If you want to use this tag, you need to implement a custom logic to meet the requirements. Not applicable
sqiCalcAlgCd At present, the data from this tag is not stored in the system. If you want to use this tag, you need to implement a custom logic to meet the requirements. Not applicable
allowIncrUpdateSw At present, the data from this tag is not stored in the system. If you want to use this tag, you need to implement a custom logic to meet the requirements. Not applicable
divPriceItemChar Used to specify a list of division-specific characteristics for the price item or price item bundle. No

You can use this tag within the following tags:

If this tag is used within... Then the purpose of the version tag is...
divPriceItemChar Used to specify a characteristic type when you are defining a division-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemChar Used to specify a characteristic type for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemRelCharacteristic Used to specify a characteristic type when you are defining a relationship-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle.
Note: You must specify a characteristic type which is already defined in the system. If you are defining a characteristic for:
  • A Price Item - You must specify a characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Price Item.

  • A Price Item in a specific division - You must specify a characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Division/Price Item Combination.

  • A Price Item Relationship - You must specify a characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Price Item Relationship.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do the following:
  • Define a characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

  • Define a division-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

  • Define a relationship-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle


You can use this tag within the following tags:

If this tag is used within... Then the purpose of the version tag is...
divPriceItemChar Used to specify the date from when the price item or price item bundle characteristic is effective for the division.
priceItemChar Used to specify the date from when the characteristic is effective for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemRelCharacteristic Used to specify the date from when the relationship-specific characteristic is effective for the price item or price item bundle.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do the following:
  • Define a characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

  • Define a division-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

  • Define a relationship-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

If this tag is used within... Then the purpose of the version tag is...
divPriceItemChar Used to specify the value for characteristic type when you are defining a division-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemChar Used to specify the value for the characteristic type when you are defining a characteristic for the price item or price item bundle.
priceItemRelCharacteristic Used to specify the value for the characteristic type when you are defining a relationship-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do the following:
  • Define a characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

  • Define a division-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

  • Define a relationship-specific characteristic for the price item or price item bundle

priceItemChar Used to specify a list of characteristics for the price item or price item bundle. No
priceItemRel Used to specify a list of price items or price item bundles that you want to associate with the parent price item or add to the price item bundle. No
priceItemChildCd Used to indicate the price item or price item bundle that you want to associate with the parent price item or add to the price item bundle. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do either of the following:
  • Associate a price item or price item bundle with the parent price item

  • Add a price item or price item bundle to the price item bundle

startDate Used to specify the date from when you want to associate the price item or price item bundle with the parent price item or add the price item or price item bundle to the price item bundle. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do either of the following:
  • Associate a price item or price item bundle with the parent price item

  • Add a price item or price item bundle to the price item bundle

endDate Used to specify the date till when you want to associate the price item or price item bundle with the parent price item or add the price item or price item bundle to the price item bundle. No
priceItemReTypeFlg Used to indicate how the price item or price item bundle is related to the parent price item or price item bundle. The valid values are:
  • BNDL - Enables you to set the relationship type to Bundle.

  • CG - Enables you to set the relationship type to Custom.

  • DENB - Enables you to set the relationship type to Denominator.

  • NUMB - Enables you to set the relationship type to Numerator.

  • OTHR - Enables you to set the relationship type to Other.

  • PROD - Enables you to set the relationship type to Price Item.

  • SVC - Enables you to set the relationship type to Service.

  • SVCG - Enables you to set the relationship type to Service Group.

Note: You must use the OTHR, CG, PROD, SVC, or SVCG relationship type while associating a price item or price item bundle to the parent price item. However, you must use the BNDL relationship type while adding a price item or price item bundle in the regular and phantom price item bundles. However, you can use the DENB and NUMB relationship type while adding a price item or price item bundle in the ratio price item bundles.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to do either of the following:
  • Associate a price item or price item bundle with the parent price item

  • Add a price item or price item bundle to the price item bundle

priceItemParmGroup Used to specify the parameter and its value based on which you want to determine pricing for the price item or price item bundle. No
priceParmCode Used to specify the parameter using which you want to determine the pricing for the price item or price item bundle.

You must specify a parameter which is associated with the price item or price item bundle and whose parameter usage is set to Pricing.

You cannot specify any special character except underscore (_​) in the parameter name.

Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to determine the pricing for the price item or price item bundle using a parameter.
priceParmVal Used to specify the parameter value using which you want to determine the pricing for the price item or price item bundle.
Note: You can specify any special characters except ampersand (&), comma (,), underscore (_​), equal to (=), tilde (~), and semi-colon(;) in the parameter value.
Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when you want to determine the pricing for the price item or price item bundle using a parameter.
priceItemRelCharacteristic Used to specify a list of relationship-specific characteristics for the price item or price item bundle. No
Note: When you want to edit the existing price items using the File Upload Interface utility, you need to provide all details of the price item and not just the details which you want to update. This is because the system supports replace operation and not the edit operation while editing the price items.

Related Topics

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How to associate a price item or price item bundle with an SQI in a particular division Associating an SQI with a Price Item or Price Item Bundle for a Division
How to define a characteristic for a price item or price item bundle in a particular division Defining a Division-Specific Characteristic for a Price Item or Price Item Bundle
How to define a characteristic for a price item or price item bundle Defining a Characteristic for a Price Item or Price Item Bundle
How to define valid predefined parameter values for a price item or price item bundle Defining the Valid Predefined Parameter Values for a Price Item or Price Item Bundle
How to associate a price item or price item bundle with a parent price item Associating a Price Item or Price Item Bundle with a Parent Price Item
How to add a price item or price item bundle to a price item bundle Adding a Price Item or Price Item Bundle to a Price Item Bundle
Sample XML Format for Uploading Price Items Sample XML Format for Uploading Price Items