Sample CSV Format for Uploading SQIs

Using the below example, you can create the following SQIs:




Note: The system will create the above SQIs when the required value types, source entities, source types, source type codes, algorithms, and reference entity values are defined in the application.
The following table lists the field transformation details that you need to specify in the file request type using which you want to upload SQIs in the system:
Sequence Field Name Map Field XPath
1 SQI C1-SQIUPLOAD/serviceQuantityIdentifier
2 Description C1-SQIUPLOAD/description
3 Decimal Positions C1-SQIUPLOAD/decimalPositions
4 SQI C1-SQIUPLOAD/serviceQuantityIdentifier
5 Description C1-SQIUPLOAD/description
6 Decimal Positions C1-SQIUPLOAD/decimalPositions
7 SQI C1-SQIUPLOAD/serviceQuantityIdentifier
8 Description C1-SQIUPLOAD/description
9 Decimal Positions C1-SQIUPLOAD/decimalPositions

Sample CSV

The figure illustrates the contents of a sample CSV file which contains the SQI data.

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CSV File Format for Uploading SQIs CSV File Format for Uploading Service Quantity Identifiers (SQIs)