Payment Request Type

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing allows you to define a payment request type using which you can create a payment request. A payment request of the specified payment request type is created when you manually distribute the tender or payment amount. It is the payment request type which helps the system to determine:

  • Whether to create payment transfer or payment creation request

  • Whether payment events and payments must be created in real time (i.e. immediately) or in the deferred mode

  • Whether payment creation or transfer instructions must be approved by the approver before freezing payments

The Payment Request Type screen allows you to define, edit, copy, and delete a payment request type. This screen consists of the following zones:

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How to define a payment request type Defining a Payment Request Type
How to edit a payment request type Editing a Payment Creation Request
How to delete a payment request type Deleting a Payment Request Type
How to copy a payment request type Copying a Payment Request Type
How to view the details of a payment request type Viewing the Payment Request Type Details

Parent topic: Payment Request