Payment Event Summary

The Payment Event Summary screen allows you to search for a payment event using various search criteria. Through this screen, you can:

  • View the payments created through a payment event

  • View payment segments of a payment

  • Transfer one or more payments of a payment event to another payee account

  • Cancel a payment event

  • Delete a payment event

  • Cancel a payment of a payment event

  • Delete a payment of a payment event

  • Refund a payment which is matched against the suspense or excess credit contract

This screen consists of following zones:

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How to search for a payment event Searching for a Payment Event
How to transfer one or more payments of a payment event Creating a Payment Transfer Request
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How to delete a payment event Deleting a Payment Event
How to view payments created through a payment event Viewing Payments Created Through a Payment Event
How to cancel a payment Cancelling a Payment
How to delete a payment Deleting a Payment
How to refund a payment Creating a Refund Request
How to view payment segments of a payment Viewing the Payment Segments of a Payment

Parent topic: Payment Request