Creating a Payment Transfer Request

The system allows you to transfer payments through a payment request. You can transfer all payments or individual payment of a payment event. You can only transfer payments which are in the Frozen or Error status.


To create a payment transfer request, you should have:

  • Payment request types defined in the application (where the Transfer check box is selected)

  • Payment cancel reasons defined in the application (where the Payment Transfer check box is selected)


To create a payment transfer request:

  1. Search for the payment event (whose payments you want to transfer) in the Payment Event Summary screen.
  2. Do either of the following:
    If you want to...Then...
    Transfer all payments of a payment event
    1. In the Search Results section, click the Transfer button in the Transfer column corresponding to the payment event whose payments you want to transfer.

    Note: The Transfer button appears only when:
    • One or more payments of the payment event are in the Frozen or Error status.

    • There is no payment transfer request which is currently in progress for the payment event.

    Transfer one or more payments of a payment event
    1. In the Search Results section, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the payment event whose payments you want to view.

      The Payments zone appears.

    2. Select the check box corresponding to the payments that you want to transfer.

    3. Click the Transfer button in the Payments zone.

    Note: You can transfer a payment when it is in the Frozen or Error status.

    The Select Payment Request Type screen appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Payment Request Type Used to indicate the payment request type using which you want to create the payment transfer request.
    Note: The list includes only those payment request types where the Transfer check box is selected.
  3. Select the required payment request type from the respective field.
  4. Click OK.
    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the payment transfer request. This section contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Payment Request Type Indicates the payment request type using which you want to create the payment transfer request. Not applicable
      Payment Event Information Displays information about the payment event whose payments you want to transfer. Not applicable
      Maximum Transfer Amount Displays the maximum payment amount which you can transfer.
      Note: This is a read-only field.
      Not applicable
      Transfer Amount Used to specify the total payment amount which you want to transfer.
      Note: By default, the maximum transfer amount appears in this field.
      Payment Date Used to specify the date when the payment is transferred.

      By default, the current date appears in this field.

      This field appears when you want to transfer all the payments of a payment event.

      Transfer Reason Used to indicate the reason why you want to transfer the payments.
      Note: The list includes only those payment cancel reasons where the Payment Transfer check box is selected.
    • Match Types - Used to define match types for the payment transfer request. This section contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Match Type Used to indicate the match type using which you want to match the payment. Yes
      Show Default Used to indicate whether the default payment amount should be displayed against the match type entities.
      Note: The Show Default check box is selected when you select the match type.
      Entity Indicates the match type entity. The valid values are:
      • Account - Enables you to select the account whose unpaid bills, unpaid bill segments, settlement IDs, or contracts must be considered while matching the payment.

      • Bill - Enables you to select the unpaid bill against which you want to match the payment.

      • Statement - Enables you to select the statement against which you want to match the payment.

      Note: By default, this is a read-only field.
      Not applicable
      Entity ID Used to indicate the account, bill ID, or statement ID depending on the match type entity.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, based on the selected match type, the relevant entity Search window appears.
  5. Enter the required details.
    Note: If you want to specify more than one match type within the payment transfer request, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon in the Match Types section and then specify the details. However, if you want to remove a match type from the payment transfer request, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the match type.
  6. Click Manual Distribution.

    The payment transfer request is created and the status of the payment transfer request is set to Draft. The Payment Request screen appears. Depending on the match type and match entity specified while creating the payment transfer request, the following entities are listed in the Payment Distribution zone:

    Match Type Match Entity Entities
    By Bill Regular Account Unpaid bills of the account
    By Bill Weighted Account Unpaid bills of the account
    By Bill Bill Unpaid bill
    By Bill Segments Account Unpaid bill segments
    By Suspense Contract Account Contracts of the account
    Note: Only contracts of the contract type where the Eligible for Billing flag is set to No and Special Role flag is set to Suspense are listed in the Payment Distribution zone. If no contracts with this specification exist for the account, the system checks whether there is any such contract type (where the Eligible for Billing flag is set to No and Special Role flag is set to Suspense) defined for the division to which the account belongs. If there is any such contract type defined for the division, the system creates the contract for the account using the respective contract type and the same is listed in Payment Distribution zone.
    By Settlement Account Unpaid bill segments where the settlement account is stamped
    By Statement Statement Unpaid bills of the statement

    If the Show Default check box is not selected against a match type while creating the payment transfer request, the payment amount against the respective match type entities is set to zero. However, if the Show Default check box is selected against a match type, the payment amount appears against the respective match type entities. The transfer amount is divided among the entities in the sequence of match types (where Show Default check box is selected) followed by the sequence of bill, bill segment, or contract start date. You can then edit the payment amount, if required.


    If a payment transfer request is already created for a payee account and is currently in progress, the system will not allow you to create another payment transfer request for the payee account until the previous payment transfer request is in the Processed or Rejected status.

    The system does not allow you to create a payment transfer request for a payee account when the respective match type entities (such as unpaid bills, unpaid bill segments, contracts, or settlement IDs do not exists for the payee account.

    If the entire refund amount is already processed for the payee account, the system will not allow you to create a payment transfer request.

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