Approving a Payment Creation or Transfer Request

You can view the number of payment creation or transfer requests which are pending for approval in the Payment Request screen. The approver can review, and accordingly approve or reject the payment creation or transfer request based on the observations.

Note: The system will not allow you to approve or reject a payment creation or transfer request submitted by you.


To approve a payment creation or transfer request:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want toThen
    Approve a payment creation or transfer request through the Payment Request screen
    1. Search for the payment creation or transfer request in the Payment Request screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Payment Request Information column corresponding to the payment creation or transfer request which you want to review.

    Approve a payment creation or transfer request from the To Do List screen
    1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.

      A list appears.

    2. From the Main menu, select To Do and then click To Do List.

      The To Do Type for User Search window appears.

    3. Enter C1-PAYRQ in the To Do Type field.

    4. Click the Search button corresponding to the To Do Type field.

      The To Do List screen appears.

    5. Select the Open option from the Filter by list to view all unassigned To Dos.

    6. Click the link in the Message column corresponding to the To Do of the payment creation or transfer request that you want to review.

    The Payment Request screen appears.
  2. Review the payment creation or transfer request details.
  3. Click the Approve button in the Payment Request zone.

    The system behaves in the following manner:

    If you are... Then
    Approving a payment creation request The status of the payments which are in the Freezable status is changed to Frozen. In addition, the status of the payment creation request is changed to Processed.
    Approving a payment transfer request The status of the old payments which are in the Frozen status is changed to Cancelled. The old payments which are in the Error status are deleted. The status of the new payments which are in the Freezable status is changed to Frozen. The status of the payment event is changed to Balanced when there are no new payments in the Error status. In addition, the status of the payment transfer request is changed to Processed.
    Note: The Approve button appears when:
    • The payment creation or transfer request is in the Approval In Progress status.

    • A user with the approval To Do role is reviewing the payment creation or transfer request.

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