Editing the Payment Amount


To edit the payment amount against each entity:

  1. Search for the payment creation or transfer request in the Payment Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Payment Request Information column corresponding to the payment creation or transfer request whose details you want to edit.
    The Payment Request screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Main tab is selected.
  4. Click the Update Payment Amount link in the upper right corner of the Payment Distribution zone.

    The Payment Request - Edit Payment Amount screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description
      Match Type Used to search the entities which are considered using a particular match type.
      Note: By default, the All option is selected.
      Sort By Used to indicate the entity based on which the search result is sorted.
      Note: By default, the All option is selected.
      Sort By Used to indicate the entity fields based on which the search result is sorted.

      By default, the All option is selected.

      The data in this field appears when the match type is selected.

      Match Value Used to search for a particular entity (such as bill, bill segment, contract, or settlement ID).
      Order Used to indicate the sequence for the search result. The valid values are:
      • Ascending

      • Descending

    • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results are filtered based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

      Column Name Column Description
      Match Type Indicates the match type using which the entity is considered.
      Payee Information Displays information about the account for which the payment was made.
      Entity Information Displays information about the entity against which the payment was matched.
      Original Bill Amount Displays the entity amount.
      Note: In case of contract, the entity amount would be zero (0).
      Paid Amount Displays the amount which is already paid against the entity.
      Unpaid Amount Displays the amount which is eligible for payment against the entity.
      Payment Amount Used to specify the payment amount.
      Note: If the Allow Overpayment option type of the C1-PAYPORTAL feature configuration is set to true, you can specify the payment amount greater than the unpaid amount. In other words, you can make overpayment against an entity.
      Payment Currency Indicates the currency in which the payment is made.

      In addition, the Search Results section contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description
      Total Amount Displays the tender or transfer amount.
      Running Total Displays the total payment amount which is specified against each entity.
      Running Balance Displays the difference between the total amount and running total.
      Note: The running balance is highlighted in the red color when the difference amount is non-zero.
      Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Edit Payment Amount screen. You can change the number of records displayed per page, if required. You can use the navigation buttons, such as First (The First Page Button), Previous (), Next (), and Last () to navigate between pages. You can also select the page to which you want to navigate from the Go To list.
  5. Modify the payment amount against an entity, if required.
    Note: The sum of payment amount should be equal to the tender or transfer (payment) amount.
  6. Click Save.
    The changes made in the payment amount are saved.
  7. Click Close.
    The payment amount is updated in the Payment Distribution zone.

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