Discarding a Payment Creation or Transfer Request

  1. Search for the payment creation or transfer request in the Payment Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Payment Request Information column corresponding to the payment creation or transfer request which you want to discard.
  3. Click the Discard button in the Payment Request zone.

    The Discard button appears only when the payment creation or transfer request is in Distributed status.

    If the approver discards a payment creation request, the payment event, payments, payment segments, and payment tender which are created through the payment creation request are deleted. However, if the approver discards a payment transfer request, the new payments which are created through the payment transfer request are deleted. In addition, the status of the payment creation or transfer request is changed to Discarded.

    Discarding a payment creation or transfer request is similar to rejecting a payment creation or transfer request. However, you can only reject a payment creation or transfer request, when the approval workflow is on while creating a payment creation or transfer request but discarding a payment creation or transfer request can be done in both the cases, when the approval workflow is on or off.

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Payment Request screen Payment Request (Used for Viewing)
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