Editing the Payment Segment Amount

Before you freeze the payments, the system allows you to edit the pay segment amount of the payments which are in the Freezable status. You can edit the amount when there are multiple pay segments in a payment.


To edit the payment segment amount:

  1. Search for the payment request in the Payment Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Payment Request Information column corresponding to the payment request whose details you want to edit.
    The Payment Request screen appears.
  3. Click the Detail button in the Payment Distribution zone.

    The Edit Payment Segment Amount screen appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Payment Event Information Displays information about the payment event which is created through the payment request.
    Payment Information Displays information about the payment which is created through the payment event.
    Payee Account Information Displays information about the account for which the payment is made.
    Match Value Displays information about the entity against which the payment is matched.
    Payment Amount Displays the total payment amount.
    Running Total Displays the sum of payment amount specified against each pay segment.
    Running Balance Displays the difference between total payment amount and running total. The running balance is highlighted in the red color when the difference amount is non-zero.

    In addition, this section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Sr No Indicates the sequence number of the pay segment. Not applicable
    Entity Information Displays information about the entity (such as bill segment or contract) against which the pay segment is created. Not applicable
    Total Amount Displays the entity amount. If the pay segment is created against a contract, the system considers all bill segments of the bill which are created against the contract and calculates the total bill segment amount. Not applicable
    Unpaid Amount Displays the amount which is eligible for payment. If the pay segment is created against a contract, the system considers all bill segments of the bill which are created against the contract and calculates the total unpaid bill segment amount. Not applicable
    Payment Amount Used to specify the payment amount that you want to distribute against the pay segment.
    Note: This field is non-editable when:
    • There is only one pay segment in a payment.

    • A user with the approval To Do role is reviewing the pay segment amount.

    Payment Currency Indicates the currency in which the payment was made. Not applicable
    Pay Segment ID Displays the pay segment ID. Not applicable

    The Detail button appears in the Detail column when:

    • The payment request is in the Distributed or Approval In Progress status

    • The payment is in the Freezable status.

    Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Edit Payment Segment Amount screen. You can change the number of records displayed per page, if required. You can use the navigation buttons, such as First (The First Page Button), Previous (), Next (), andLast () to navigate between pages. You can also select the page to which you want to navigate from the Go To list.

  4. Modify the payment amount against a pay segment, if required.
    Note: The sum of payment segment amount should be equal to the payment amount.
  5. Click Redistribute.
    The payment amount is redistributed among the pay segments.
    Note: The Redistribute button is disabled when the Payment Amount field is non-editable.
  6. Click Close.

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