Submitting a Payment Creation or Transfer Request for Approval


To submit a payment creation or transfer request for approval:

  1. Search for the payment creation or transfer request in the Payment Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Payment Request Information column corresponding to the payment creation or transfer request that you want to submit for approval.
    The Payment Request screen appears.
  3. If required, you can edit the amount of a payment segment before submitting the payment creation or transfer request for approval.
  4. Click the Submit for Approval button in the Payment Request zone.
    The status of the payment creation or transfer request is changed to Approval In Progress. A To Do is created using theC1-PAYRQ To Do type. Users having a To Do role to which the C1-PAYRQ To Do type is associated can view the To Do from the To Do List screen.

    The Submit for Approval button appears when:

    • The payment creation or transfer request is in the Distributed status.

    • The Approval Required check box is selected in the payment request type using which the payment creation or transfer request is created.

    For each payment, ensure that the sum of payment segment amount is equal to the payment amount. Otherwise, the system will not allow you to submit the payment creation or transfer request for approval.

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