
The Payments zone lists all payments created through the payment event. This zone contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Payment ID Displays the payment ID.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Payment screen appears with the details of the respective payment.
Payee Account Information Displays information about the account for which the payment was made. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears with the details of the respective account.
Payment Amount Displays the amount paid through the tender.
Payment Currency Indicates the currency in which the payment was made.
Payment Status Indicates the status of the payment. The valid values are:
  • Incomplete

  • Error

  • Freezable

  • Frozen

  • Canceled

Match Type Indicates the match type using which the payment was matched.
Match Value Indicates the entity (such as bill, bill segment, or contract) against which the payment was matched.
Error Message Indicates the reason why the payment is in the Error status.
Payor Account ID Indicates the account which made the payment.
Refund Amount Displays the amount which is already refunded to the payor account.

In addition, this zone contains the following buttons:

Button Name Button Description
Transfer Used to transfer the payment to another payee account.
Note: You can transfer a payment when it is in the Frozen or Error status.
Cancel Used to cancel the payment.
Note: You can cancel a payment when it is in the Frozen status.
Delete Used to delete the payment.
Note: You can delete a payment when it is in the Freezable or Error status.
Refund Used to refund the payment amount to the payor account.
Note: You can refund the payment amount to the payor account when:
  • The payment is matched against the suspense or excess credit contract.

  • The payment is in the Frozen status.

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