Cancelling a Payment Tender


To cancel a payment tender, you should have:

  • Payment cancel reasons defined in the application


To cancel a payment tender:

  1. Search for the payment tender in the Payment Event Summary screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Tender Cancel link in the Cancel column corresponding to the payment tender that you want to cancel.

    The Payment Event screen appears.

    Note: The Tender Cancel link appears when:
    • One or more payments of the payment event are in the Frozen status.

    • One or more payments of the payment event are not in the Freezable or Error status.

    • There is no payment transfer request which is currently in progress for the payment event.

  3. Ensure that the Tenders tab is selected.
  4. Click the Cancel button in the Tender Cancel row.

    The Tender Cancel window appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Cancel Reason Used to indicate the reason why you want to cancel the payment tender. Yes
    Bank Account To Charge Used to specify the bank details for cancellation charge purposes.
    Field Name Field Description
    Bank Code Used to indicate the bank code which should be charged for cancellation.
    Bank Account Key Used to indicate the bank account which should be charged for cancellation.
  5. Click OK.
    The payment tender and all payments in the payment event are cancelled.

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