
You need to setup the following prerequisites to implement the approval workflow process:

  • Setup Feature Configuration for Approval Workflow - If you create new Maintenance Objects (MOs) and want the access control for these MOs in the approval workflow transactions to be based on the access group and division, then you have to create a custom algorithm and attach it to the Approval Transaction Entity Access Algorithms option type of the C1_​AXENTITY feature configuration. Note that you will then have two access algorithms; one default algorithm (that is, C1-APPTXN) and another custom algorithm. For more information about the C1_​AXENTITY feature configuration, see Setting the C1_​AXENTITY Feature Configuration.

  • Create and Attach Determine BO Algorithm - To use approval workflow for a business object, check the corresponding maintenance object to see if a Determine BO algorithm is already attached to it. If not, create a Determine BO algorithm using the F1-MOBO algorithm type, and specify the appropriate business object name on the newly created algorithm. Attach this algorithm on the Determine BO algorithm spot of the maintenance object.

  • Attach Audit Algorithm to Business Objects - To use the approval workflow process for a business object, you need to attach the C1-APPTXNBAS algorithm on the Audit algorithm spot of the business object. Unless you attach the audit algorithm to a business object, the approval workflow process will not be triggered for the respective business object. This step is only required when you are using the base panels. If you have created custom UI maps to enter or modify data for a specific business object, this step is not needed.

  • Attach Validation Algorithms to Business Objects - The following algorithms are shipped with ORMB:

    Business Object Basic Validation Algorithm Pending Transaction Validation Algorithm
    C1-ApprovalChainEligible C1-ADMALG C1-APGBYPORT
    C1-ApprovalTransactionChain C1-APCHALGO C1-APCHNPEND

    The basic validation algorithms are attached to the respective business objects, and then shipped with ORMB. However, the pending transaction validation algorithms are not attached to the respective business objects. If you want to restrict the users from either editing or deleting the approval workflow group, approval workflow settings, approval workflow chain, or approval workflow group chain linkage when the respective approval workflow requests are in the Pending, Work-in-Progress, or Rejected state, then you must attach the pending transaction validation algorithm on the Validation algorithm spot of the respective business object.

  • Set Colors for Highlighting during Comparison - While approving, rejecting, or cancelling approval workflow requests where the submitter action is Update (UPD), you will be able to compare the existing and new data. By default, any modifications are highlighted in the Yellow (9933FF) color and new additions are highlighted in the Purple (FFFF66) color. You can easily change these default colors. For more information on how to set the colors used for highlighting, see .Setting the C1_​AXENTITY Feature Configuration.

  • Create To Do Types - You need to create the To Do types that you want to use in the approval workflow process. Once the To Do type is created, you need to link it to the required To Do roles so that users belonging to the To Do role can view and work on the To Do type.

  • Create To Do Roles - You need to create the To Do roles that you want to use in the approval workflow process. Once the To Do role is created, you need to add the users whom you want to assign this role.

    Note: User who is withdrawing the approval workflow request must be assigned to the To Do role to which the approver at the first level in the hierarchy is assigned. Otherwise, the user will not be able to withdraw the approval workflow request.
  • Create Input UI Map for an Approval Workflow Group - The system provides you with the ability to automatically generate an Input UI map, and associate it with the approval workflow group. Alternatively, you can create an Input UI map manually, and attach it to the approval workflow group. For more information on how to create an Input UI map manually, see Creating Input UI Map for an Approval Workflow Group.

  • Create Display UI Map for an Approval Workflow Group - The system provides you with the ability to automatically generate a Display UI map, and associate it with the approval workflow group. Alternatively, you can create a Display UI map manually, and attach it to the approval workflow group. For more information on how to create a Display UI map manually, see Creating Display UI Map for an Approval Workflow Group.