C1-DeleteAutoPay Business Service

The Delete Auto Pay From an Account (C1-DeleteAutoPayService) inbound web service is used for deleting the auto pay details from the account, in the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application from an external system. You can identify the auto pay details of an account by providing an accountId or account identifier type along with account number and division to the inbound web service. If both, accountId and account identifier type are provided, accountId is given precedence ahead of the account identifier type.

You cannot directly delete an account autopay Id without undergoing the referential integrity check. The system displays the referential integrity error if in case the account autopay Id has a reference with some other database table. You can delete all of the non-referred account autopay Ids on an account if you have provided an accountId or account identifier type along with account number and division as auto pay details to the inbound web service. If an account autopay Id is provided in the auto pay details, system grants highest priority to the account autopay Id and further deletes the auto pay details for an account which is not referenced anywhere in the system.

Once the auto pay details are successfully deleted for an account the inbound service returns the following response:
  • accountAutoPayId: {List of the deleted autopay Ids}

  • responseStatus: {Success}

  • responseMessage: AutoPay Deleted Successfully of the account Id {xzxzxzxz}

If an error has occurred while deleting the account autopay Ids, the inbound service returns the following response:
  • responseMessage: {error message is returned}

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Parent Topic: AutoPay Add/Update, Delete, and View Through Inbound Web Service