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Oracle9i Database Master Index: H
(includes Windows entries)

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Index Entries

halting a single pack (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
HALTONE command (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
hand off (CORBA Guide)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
retrieving (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
handle attributes (OCI Programmer's Guide)
reading (OCI Programmer's Guide)
setting (OCI Programmer's Guide)
handle functions (OCI Programmer's Guide)
handleAction(Node) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
handlers, exception (PL/SQL Guide)
handles (OCI Programmer's Guide)
advantages of (OCI Programmer's Guide)
allocating (OCI Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
bind handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
C datatypes (OCI Programmer's Guide)
child freed when parent freed (OCI Programmer's Guide)
define handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
describe handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
direct path (OCI Programmer's Guide)
environment handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
error handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
freeing (OCI Programmer's Guide)
process (OCI Programmer's Guide)
process attributes (OCI Programmer's Guide)
server handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
service context handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
statement handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
subscription (OCI Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
transaction handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
types (OCI Programmer's Guide)
user session handle (OCI Programmer's Guide)
handles for SQL statements (Concepts)
definition (Concepts)
handling exceptions (PL/SQL Guide)
raised in declaration (PL/SQL Guide)
raised in handler (PL/SQL Guide)
using OTHERS handler (PL/SQL Guide)
handling of nulls (PL/SQL Guide)
SSL (Advanced Security Admin Guide)
HandWeb (Case Studies - XML Applications)
hanja attribute (Text Reference)
hard drive information, obtaining (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
hard drive, replacing (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
evaluating (Admin Guide)
for cluster database processing (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
requirements (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
scalability (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
Hardware and Network Scalability (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
hardware components (Performance Methods)
hardware configuration
keeping records of (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
optimizing to improve performance (Developer's Guide for Microsoft Transaction Server)
hardware multiplexing
definition (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
hardware recommendations (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
hardware requirements (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
hardware-based connection redirection (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
hasChildNodes() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #3] (XML Reference)
     [entry #4] (XML Reference)
distribution value (Performance Guide)
hash area size (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
hash areas (Data Warehousing Guide)
hash clusters
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
advantages and disadvantages (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
altering (Admin Guide)
choosing key (Admin Guide)
contrasted with index (Concepts)
contrasted with index clusters (Admin Guide)
controlling space use of (Admin Guide)
creating (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
definition (Concepts)
dropping (Admin Guide)
estimating storage (Admin Guide)
examples (Admin Guide)
hash function (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Admin Guide)
HASH IS option (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
HASHKEYS option (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
scans of (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Performance Guide)
single-table (Admin Guide)
single-table, creating (SQL Reference)
SIZE option (Admin Guide)
specifying hash function for (SQL Reference)
hash functions
for hash cluster (Admin Guide)
HASH hint (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
HASH IS clause
hash join enabled (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
hash joins
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
allocating memory for (SQL Reference)
enabling and disabling (SQL Reference)
index join (Performance Guide)
hash multi-block I/O count (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
hash partitioning
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
index-organized tables (Admin Guide)
when to use (Admin Guide)
hash partitioning clause
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
hash partitions (Performance Guide)
adding (SQL Reference)
coalescing (SQL Reference)
examples of (Performance Guide)
hash values (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
hashing (Performance Guide)
lock mastering scheme (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
passwords (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
MD4 (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
hashing, password (Security Overview)
HASH_AJ hint (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [entry #3] (Performance Guide)
     [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
HASH_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
setting with ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
HASH_AREA_SIZE parameter
and parallel execution (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
HASH_JOIN_ENABLED initialization parameter (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
setting with ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
HASH_SJ hint (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Guide)
hasMoreElements (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
HASPATH operator (Text Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
examples (Text Developer's Guide)
HASPATH operators (AppDev - XML)
HAVING condition
of GROUP BY clause (SQL Reference)
HEAD clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
formatting elements (SQL*Plus Guide)
indenting (SQL*Plus Guide)
listing current definition (SQL*Plus Guide)
setting at the end of reports (SQL*Plus Guide)
suppressing definition (SQL*Plus Guide)
HEAD option (SQL*Plus Guide)
header files
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
location of (OCI Getting Started for Windows)
     [subentry #2] (OCI Getting Started for Windows)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
oraca.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sql2oci.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sqlapr.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sqlca.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sqlcpr.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sqlda.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sqlkpr.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
sqlproto.h (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
header files and libraries, required (Internet Directory Developer's Guide)
HEADER precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
displaying at top of page, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
displaying system-maintained values, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
of data blocks (Concepts)
of row pieces (Concepts)
HEADERS, optional (Pro*COBOL Guide)
HEADING clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
HEADING clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
HEADING command
in reports (OLAP DML Guide)
paging output from (OLAP DML Guide)
HEADING variable (SQL*Plus Guide)
HEADING variable, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
aligning elements (SQL*Plus Guide)
aligning elements, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
column headings (SQL*Plus Guide)
column headings, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
formatting elements (SQL*Plus Guide)
formatting elements, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
indenting (SQL*Plus Guide)
indenting, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
listing current definition (SQL*Plus Guide)
listing current definition, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
suppressing definition (SQL*Plus Guide)
suppressing definition, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
headings in reports (OLAP DML Guide)
headings in reports, 12-16 (OLAP DML Guide)
HEADSEP variable (SQL*Plus Guide)
use in COLUMN command (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
HEADSEP variable, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
use in COLUMN command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
health check (Data Guard Broker)
monitoring (Data Guard Broker)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
revealed by configuration status (Data Guard Broker)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
heap memory
allocating cursor variables (Pro*COBOL Guide)
heap tables (Pro*COBOL Guide)
heap-organized tables
     [entry #2] (New Features)
creating (SQL Reference)
heartbeat monitor (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
troubleshooting (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
heartbeat monitor messages (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
heavy trace debugging (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
HEIGHT, parameter for APPLET tag (JDBC Guide)
helo() function
of UTL_SMTP (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
button, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
accessing for Oracle Capacity Planner (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
accessing the glossary (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Command Reference Guide, LSM (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
displaying the Contents page (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Field Help (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
finding a particular type of topic (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
finding a specific topic (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
for charts (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Help menu in Oracle TopSessions (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
How Do I Help (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
locating a conceptual or task topic (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
obtaining for a particular context (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
online help (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
UNIX (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
UNIX online manual pages (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
using (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
What Is This Help (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
Windows Command Line Utilities, LSM (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
Windows NT online help (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
accessing online help (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
installation prerequisites (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
installing (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
Help button (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
HELP command (Data Guard Broker)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
     [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL*Plus Guide)
of Listener Control utility (Net Services Reference)
of Oracle Connection Manager Control utility (Net Services Reference)
of Oracle Names Control utility (Net Services Reference)
sample (Data Guard Broker)
help command (Java Tools Reference)
     [entry #2] (Java Tools Reference)
HELP command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
Help menu (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
help option (customizer harness) (SQLJ Guide)
help options (sqlj -help-xxxx) (SQLJ Guide)
HELP parameter
for Export utility (Utilities)
     [subentry #2] (Utilities)
for Import utility (Utilities)
help parameter
Character Set Scanner Utility (Globalization Support Guide)
help, online (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #3] (SQL*Plus Guide)
help, online, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
Helper class
narrow method (CORBA Guide)
heterogeneous distributed systems
accessing (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
definition (Admin Guide)
Heterogeneous Services
agent registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
avoiding configuration mismatches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
disabling (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
enabling (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
agents (Reference)
compatibility (Migration)
interoperability (Migration)
multithreaded (Migration)
self-registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
application development
controlling array fetches between non-Oracle server and agent (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
controlling array fetches between Oracle server and agent (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
controlling reblocking of array fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
DBMS_HS_PASSTHOUGH package (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
pass-through SQL (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
using bulk fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
using OCI for bulk fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
configuring connections to (Net Services Admin Guide)
creating database links (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
data dictionary views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
types (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
understanding sources (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
using general views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
using SQL service views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
using transaction service views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
defining maximum number of open cursors (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
described (Net Services Admin Guide)
dynamic performance views (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
V$HS_AGENT view (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
V$HS_SESSION view (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
general overview (Concepts)
generic connectivity
architecture (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
creating initialization file (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
definition (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
editing initialization file (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
non-Oracle data dictionary access (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
ODBC connectivity requirements (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
OLE DB (FS) connectivity requirements (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
OLE DB (SQL) connectivity requirements (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
restrictions (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
setting parameters for ODBC source (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
setting parameters for OLE DB source (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
SQL execution (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
supported functions (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
supported SQL syntax (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
supported tables (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
types of agents (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
installing data dictionary (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
optimizing data transfer (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
overview (Admin Guide)
parameters (Reference)
setting global name (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
setting up access using transparent gateway (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
setting up environment (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
specifying cache high water mark (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
specifying cache size (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
specifying commit point strength (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
specifying domain (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
specifying instance identifier (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
SQL service (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
testing connections (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
transaction service (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
tuning internal data buffering (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HeteroRM XA (JDBC Guide)
HeuristicMixedException (CORBA Guide)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [entry #3] (JDBC Guide)
HeuristicRollbackException (CORBA Guide)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [entry #3] (JDBC Guide)
hexadecimal string
passing to DBMS_LOB.WRITE() (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
hexadecimal strings
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
hexadecimal value
returning (SQL Reference)
HEXTORAW function (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
data conversion (Concepts)
HFEEDBACK procedure (Text Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
result table (Text Reference)
HFILE OTT parameter (C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
HH datetime format element (SQL Reference)
HH12 datetime format element (SQL Reference)
HH24 datetime format element (SQL Reference)
hidden declarations (PL/SQL Guide)
Hidden Form Fields (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HIDE clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
HIDE option
default (Label Security Admin Guide)
discussion of (Label Security Admin Guide)
example (Label Security Admin Guide)
importing hidden column (Label Security Admin Guide)
inserting data (Label Security Admin Guide)
introduction (Label Security Admin Guide)
not exported (Label Security Admin Guide)
per-table basis (Label Security Admin Guide)
PL/SQL restriction (Label Security Admin Guide)
schema level (Label Security Admin Guide)
a chart legend (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
the list of predefined analyses (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
hiding PL/SQL code (AppDev - Fundamentals)
hierarchical charts (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [entry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
hierarchical dimensions
defined (OLAP DML Guide)
defining variables for (OLAP DML Guide)
drilling down (OLAP DML Guide)
example of (OLAP DML Guide)
limiting based on relationship within (OLAP DML Guide)
limiting based on relationship within, 6-16 (OLAP DML Guide)
rolling up data (OLAP DML Guide)
self-relations for (OLAP DML Guide)
hierarchical mapping (AppDev - XML)
hierarchical materialized views. (Concepts)
hierarchical naming model
described (Net Services Admin Guide)
diagram (Net Services Admin Guide)
hierarchical queries (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
child rows (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
illustrated (SQL Reference)
leaf rows (SQL Reference)
parent rows (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
retrieving root and node values (SQL Reference)
hierarchical query clause
of SELECT and subqueries (SQL Reference)
hierarchical query feedback information
generating (Text Reference)
hierarchical relationships
in thesaurus import file (Text Reference)
hierarchies (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #4] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
adding to a dimension (SQL Reference)
creating (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
creating Source objects for (OLAP API Guide)
defined (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
definition (OLAP API Guide)
drilling down (OLAP API Guide)
dropping from a dimension (SQL Reference)
how used (Data Warehousing Guide)
in Oracle Enterprise Manager (OLAP API Guide)
join key (Concepts)
levels (Concepts)
MdmHierarchy objects (OLAP API Guide)
multiple (Data Warehousing Guide)
node and leaf terminology (OLAP API Guide)
of dimensions, defining (SQL Reference)
overview (Data Warehousing Guide)
retrieving default (OLAP API Guide)
retrieving default, 4-7 (OLAP API Guide)
rolling up and drilling down (Data Warehousing Guide)
hierarchy (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
drilling down (OLAP DML Guide)
objects in a broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Broker)
removing (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
hierarchy dimension
definition (OLAP DML Guide)
how to define (OLAP DML Guide)
hierarchy full order variable (OLAP DML Guide)
hierarchy level dimension
how to define (OLAP DML Guide)
purpose of (OLAP DML Guide)
hierarchy parent relation
definition (OLAP DML Guide)
how to define (OLAP DML Guide)
how to set on a dimension (OLAP DML Guide)
purpose of (OLAP DML Guide)
HIERDIM property
how to set on a dimension (OLAP DML Guide)
purpose of (OLAP DML Guide)
how to set on a dimension (OLAP DML Guide)
purpose of (OLAP DML Guide)
how to set on a dimension (OLAP DML Guide)
high availability
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #4] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [entry #6] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
and multimaster replication (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
and Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
and the Cluster Manager (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
benefit of cluster databases (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
capabilities in Oracle Internet Directory (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
configurations for (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
configuring (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
definition (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
deployment, examples (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
of Oracle Internet Directory (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
primary and secondary instances (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
Transparent Application Failover (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
types listed (Concepts)
high water mark (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [entry #4] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
definition (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
direct-path INSERT (Concepts)
for a session (Admin Guide)
moving (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
of clusters (SQL Reference)
of indexes (SQL Reference)
of tables (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
HIGHLIGHT procedure (Text Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
result table (Text Reference)
highlight table
example (Text Reference)
structure (Text Reference)
about (Text Developer's Guide)
generating markup (Text Reference)
generating offsets (Text Reference)
overview (Text Developer's Guide)
with NEAR operator (Text Reference)
highlighting text (Text Developer's Guide)
highlighting themes (Text Developer's Guide)
HIGH_VALUE statistics (Performance Guide)
NL_AJ hint (Performance Guide)
hint, NOCOPY (PL/SQL Guide)
hint, optimizer (Pro*COBOL Guide)
hints (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #4] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
access paths (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
ALL_ROWS hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
AND_EQUAL hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
as used in outlines (Performance Guide)
CACHE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
cannot override sample access path (Performance Guide)
CHOOSE hint (Performance Guide)
CLUSTER hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
COST (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
CURSOR_SHARING_EXACT hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
degree of parallelism (Performance Guide)
DRIVING_SITE (Admin Guide)
extensible optimization (Performance Guide)
FACT hint (Performance Guide)
FIRST_ROWS hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
FIRST_ROWS(n) hint (Performance Guide)
for the ORACLE SQL statement optimizer (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
FULL hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
global (Performance Guide)
HASH hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
HASH_AJ hint (Performance Guide)
HASH_SJ hint (Performance Guide)
how to use (Performance Guide)
in DELETE statements (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
in SELECT statements (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
in SQL statements (SQL Reference)
in UPDATE statements (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
INDEX hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
INDEX_ASC hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
INDEX_DESC hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
INDEX_FFS (Performance Guide)
INDEX_JOIN (Performance Guide)
join operations (Performance Guide)
LEADING hint (Performance Guide)
MERGE_AJ and HASH_AJ (Performance Guide)
MERGE_AJ hint (Performance Guide)
MERGE_SJ and HASH_SJ (Performance Guide)
MERGE_SJ hint (Performance Guide)
NL_AJ hint (Performance Guide)
NL_SJ hint (Performance Guide)
NOCACHE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
NOPARALLEL hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
NOREWRITE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
NO_EXPAND hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
NO_FACT hint (Performance Guide)
NO_INDEX (Performance Guide)
NO_INDEX hint (Performance Guide)
NO_MERGE (Admin Guide)
NO_MERGE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
NO_PUSH_PRED hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
NO_UNNEST hint (Performance Guide)
optimization approach and goal (Performance Guide)
ORDERED hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
overriding optimizer choice (Performance Guide)
overriding OPTIMIZER_MODE and OPTIMIZER_GOAL (Performance Guide)
PARALLEL (Data Warehousing Guide)
PARALLEL hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
parallel query option (Performance Guide)
PARALLEL_INDEX (Data Warehousing Guide)
passing to the optimizer (SQL Reference)
PQ_DISTRIBUTE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
PUSH_PRED hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
PUSH_SUBQ hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
query rewrite (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
REWRITE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
ROWID hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
RULE (Reference)
RULE hint (SQL Reference)
STAR hint (Performance Guide)
syntax (SQL Reference)
UNNEST hint (Performance Guide)
USE_CONCAT hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
USE_MERGE hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
USE_NL hint (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
using to tune distributed queries (Admin Guide)
hints in code, parameter sizes (SQLJ Guide)
HINT_LIST networking parameter (Net Services Reference)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
histograms (Performance Guide)
creating equiwidth (SQL Reference)
creating with user-defined buckets (Data Warehousing Guide)
number of buckets (Performance Guide)
HISTOGRAM_ANALYSIS procedure (Spatial Guide)
historical data (Performance Methods)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
importance of (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
historical data collection
aggregation of data in (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
setting up a (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
specifying a target for (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
specifying the age of the data saved for analysis (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
specifying the classes of data to collect (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
stopping for a class of data (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
historical database
connecting to (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
contents of data tables for classes in (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
disconnecting from (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
names of data tables for a class (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
specifying the location of a (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
understanding the class reference table (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
understanding the data tables for a class in (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
understanding the logical structure of (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
understanding the service reference table (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
unsupported modifications to (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
historical tables
moving time window (Admin Guide)
archive (Real Application Clusters Administration)
history entries
saving to a file (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
sorting on the History page (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
sorting on the Pending page (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
viewing for a change plan (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
viewing for a comparison (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
viewing for a task (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
history of LDAP (Internet Directory Developer's Guide)
history option
EnableVersioning procedure (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
History page
manually moving a pending task to (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
removing a task (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
viewing new history entries for (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
History Page (Events Page) (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
history views (xxx_HIST) (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
hit count (Text Developer's Guide)
hit counting (Text Reference)
presenting (Text Developer's Guide)
HI_SHARED_MEMORY_ADDRESS initialization parameter (Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
HI_SHARED_MEMORY_ADDRESS parameter (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
HLP_LOCATION parameter (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
defined (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
Hold Constants, Message Broker (Case Studies - XML Applications)
holdability (cursor states, WITH clause) (SQLJ Guide)
Holder class (CORBA Guide)
precompiler option
used to improved performance (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
what it affects (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
HOLD_CURSOR clause (Performance Guide)
of ORACLE Precompilers (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using to improve performance (Pro*COBOL Guide)
what it affects (Pro*COBOL Guide)
HOLD_CURSOR precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
home directory (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
changing format, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
default format, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
setting maximum width, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
setting retrieval position, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
setting retrieval size, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
HOME environment variable
setting for INSO (Text Reference)
home interface
creating (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
creating, 2-3 (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
example (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
getEJBHome method (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
lookup (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
overview (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
requirements (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
retrieving (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
home node (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
Home Selector (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
in broader term queries (Text Reference)
in queries (Text Reference)
in thesaurus import file (Text Reference)
horizontal orientation
of a chart (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
horizontal partitioning. See row subsetting (Replication)
horizontal tab (escape sequence) (OLAP DML Guide)
host (machine name) (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
host arrays
advantages of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
bulk binds (PL/SQL Guide)
declaring (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
dimensioning (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
in the DELETE statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
in the INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
in the SELECT statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
in the UPDATE statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
in the WHERE clause (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
matching sizes of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
multidimensional (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
referencing (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
restrictions on (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #6] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
     [subentry #7] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
used as input host variables (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
used as output host variables (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using in dynamic SQL method 4 (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using in dynamic SQL statements (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using the FOR clause with (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using to improve performance (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
when not allowed (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
HOST command (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
     [entry #4] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #5] (SQL*Plus Guide)
aligning elements (SQL*Plus Guide)
disabling, disabling (SQL*Plus Guide)
displaying at top of page (SQL*Plus Guide)
displaying system-maintained values (SQL*Plus Guide)
listing command file names with (SQL*Plus Guide)
setting at the start of reports (SQL*Plus Guide)
suppressing (SQL*Plus Guide)
host expressions
basic syntax (SQLJ Guide)
evaluation at runtime (SQLJ Guide)
examples (SQLJ Guide)
examples of evaluation at runtime (SQLJ Guide)
iterators and result sets as host variables (SQLJ Guide)
overview (SQLJ Guide)
restrictions (SQLJ Guide)
sample application (SQLJ Guide)
selecting a nested table (SQLJ Guide)
supported types for JDBC 2.0 (SQLJ Guide)
type support for Oracle8/Oracle7 (SQLJ Guide)
type support for Oracle8i (SQLJ Guide)
type support summary (SQLJ Guide)
unsupported types (SQLJ Guide)
host language
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
host name (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
host naming
advantages and disadvantages (Net Services Admin Guide)
configuring (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Net Services Admin Guide)
connecting with (Net Services Admin Guide)
establishing a connection with (Net Services Admin Guide)
listener configuration for (Net Services Admin Guide)
recommended for (Net Services Admin Guide)
requirements (Net Services Admin Guide)
HOST networking parameter (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
     [entry #3] (Net Services Reference)
host operating system
command prompt (SQL*Plus Guide)
editor (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
file, loading into buffer (SQL*Plus Guide)
running commands from SQL*Plus (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
HOST parameter (Net Services Admin Guide)
HOST precompiler option (Pro*COBOL Guide)
host program
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
host programs (Pro*COBOL Guide)
host string (SQL*Plus Getting Started for Windows)
host structures
arrays in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
declaring (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
host table elements
maximum (Pro*COBOL Guide)
host table example (Pro*COBOL Guide)
host tables
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
advantages (Pro*COBOL Guide)
declaring (Pro*COBOL Guide)
dimensioning (Pro*COBOL Guide)
how to set up (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
multi-dimensional (Pro*COBOL Guide)
operations on (Pro*COBOL Guide)
referencing (Pro*COBOL Guide)
restrictions (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
restrictions on (Pro*COBOL Guide)
support for (Pro*COBOL Guide)
testing with ping (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
using in dynamic SQL statements (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using in the DELETE statement (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using in the INSERT statement (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using in the SELECT statement (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using in the UPDATE statement (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using in the WHERE clause (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using the FOR clause (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using to improve performance (Pro*COBOL Guide)
variable-length (Pro*COBOL Guide)
host variables (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
assigning a value (Pro*COBOL Guide)
assigning values to (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
attribute factoring in declaration of (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
compatibility with database objects (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
declarations (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
declaring (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #6] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
declaring and naming (Pro*COBOL Guide)
definition (Pro*COBOL Guide)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
dummy (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
host variable equivalencing (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
in EXECUTE statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
in OPEN statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
in user exits (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
initializing (Pro*COBOL Guide)
input versus output (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
length up to 30 characters (Pro*COBOL Guide)
must resolve to an address (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
naming (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
overview (Pro*COBOL Guide)
overview of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
passed to a subroutine (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
referencing (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
requirements (Pro*COBOL Guide)
restrictions (Pro*COBOL Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
restrictions on (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
rules for naming (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
scope of (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
using in PL/SQL (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using with PL/SQL (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
where allowed (Pro*COBOL Guide)
where to declare (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
with PL/SQL (Pro*COBOL Guide)
host variables (SQL)
input (OLAP DML Guide)
output (OLAP DML Guide)
output, 10-12 (OLAP DML Guide)
host, lock (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
host-based failover (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
host.equiv file (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
hostname (AppDev - Fundamentals)
Hostname parameter (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
hostname value (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
hostname, Oracle server (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
HOSTS file (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
hosts file (Net Services Admin Guide)
hot backup mode
for online user-managed backups (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
hot backup mode. See backup mode (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
hot backups
failed (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
ending with ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
inconsistent whole database backups (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
hot blocks
identifying (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
WAR file subelement (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
hotload, ojspc option (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
hotload, publishjsp option (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
hotloading (for OSE)
enabling and accomplishing (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
enabling through ojspc (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
features and advantages (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
hotloading page implementation classes (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
ojspc hotload option (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
overview (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
publishjsp hotload option (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
hours of service (Performance Methods)
How This Manual is Organized (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
HP's OpenView (Admin Guide)
HP-specific configuration parameters (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
HP/UX (AppDev - XML)
error return code (Provider for OLE DB Developer’s Guide)
return codes (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide)
sample Web service (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HS networking parameter (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
HS_ADMIN_ROLE role (SQL Reference)
HS_ALL_CAPS view (Reference)
HS_ALL_DD view (Reference)
HS_ALL_INITS view (Reference)
HS_AUTOREGISTER initialization parameter (Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
using to enable agent self-registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_BASE_CAPS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_BASE_DD view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_CLASS_CAPS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_CLASS_DD view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_CLASS_INIT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_COMMIT_POINT_STRENGTH initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_DB_INTERNAL_NAME initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_DB_NAME initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_DESCRIBE_CACHE_HWM initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS view (Reference)
HS_FDS_CLASS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
specifying connection information (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_FDS_INST view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_FDS_TRACE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL initialization parameter
enabling agent tracing (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_INST_CAPS view (Reference)
HS_INST_DD view (Reference)
HS_INST_INIT view (Reference)
HS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_NLS_NCHAR initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_ROWID_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
HS_RPC_FETCH_SIZE initialization parameter (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
     [entry #3] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #4] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
bypassing filtering (Text Reference)
clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
definition (AppDev - XML)
displaying within PSP files (AppDev - Fundamentals)
entities (SQL*Plus Guide)
errors (AppDev - XML)
filtering to (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
generating highlight offsets for (Text Reference)
highlight markup (Text Reference)
highlighting example (Text Reference)
indexing (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
     [subentry #4] (Text Reference)
     [subentry #5] (Text Reference)
     [subentry #6] (Text Reference)
indexing example (Text Developer's Guide)
option (SQL*Plus Guide)
parsing (AppDev - XML)
retrieving from PL/SQL (AppDev - Fundamentals)
running dynamic reports, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
searching META tags (Text Developer's Guide)
spooling to file (SQL*Plus Guide)
zone section example (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
HTML pages (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HTML pages, 8-2 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HTML tags, to deploy applets (JDBC Guide)
HTML, definition (Case Studies - XML Applications)
example (Text Reference)
HTML_SECTION_GROUP object (Text Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Text Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Text Reference)
     [entry #5] (Text Reference)
     [entry #6] (Text Reference)
     [entry #7] (Text Reference)
with NULL_FILTER (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Text Reference)
HTML_SECTION_GROUP system-defined preference (Text Reference)
HTP and HTF packages (AppDev - Fundamentals)
HTTP (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #3] (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #4] (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #5] (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #6] (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #7] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
     [entry #8] (JDBC Guide)
access for DBUri-refs (AppDev - XML)
accessing AQ XML servlet (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
AQ operations over (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
client (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
client, 1-11 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
definition (AppDev - XML)
headers (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
HTTPS security, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
presentation (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
propagation (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
protocol (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
protocol, 1-2 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
DELETE (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
GET (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
GET, 7-13 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
GET, 7-13 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HEAD (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
OPTIONS (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
POST (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
POST, 1-5 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
POST, 1-5 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
PUT (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
TRACE (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
types to be protected (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
request types (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
stateless (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
response (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
security (Java Tools Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
security realm (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
security, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
security, 7-2 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
service (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
service, 2-5 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
services (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
session object (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
to access AQ XML Servlet (AppDev - XML)
//otn.oracle.com/tech/xml/ (AppDev - XML)
//www.ansi.org/ (JDBC Guide)
authentication (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
HTTP authentication (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
HTTP Listener (Case Studies - XML Applications)
HTTP protocol (JDBC Guide)
HTTP protocol adaptor (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
HTTP URLs (AppDev - Fundamentals)
HTTP, definition (Case Studies - XML Applications)
httpd (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
httpd.conf, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
testing httpd.conf edits, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
httpds.conf (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
httpds.conf, 5-8 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
Apache configuration file (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
httpdsctl (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HttpJspPage interface (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
HttpRequestAsXMLDocument(HttpServletRequest, String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
HTTPS (Advanced Security Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
propagation (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
HTTPS protocol adaptor (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
getContextPath() method (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
getPathInfo() method (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
getServletPath() method (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HttpSession interface (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
HttpSession object (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
HttpSessionBindingListener (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
HttpUriType (AppDev - XML)
http_proxy attribute (Text Reference)
hub configuration (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
four-node (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
Hub-and-Spoke Architecture (AppDev - XML)
Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
syntax (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
hybrid archive logging (Real Application Clusters Administration)
hybrid indexing (Spatial Guide)
hybrid storage (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
hypertext markup language (HTML) (PL/SQL Guide)
Hypertext Markup Language, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) (JDBC Guide)
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) (PL/SQL Guide)
Hypertext Transport Protocol, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
hypertext, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
continuing a long SQL*Plus command (SQL*Plus Guide)
hyphen (-).See - continuation character (OLAP DML Guide)
of host variable names (Pro*COBOL Guide)
hypothetical rank (Data Warehousing Guide)