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Oracle9i Database Master Index: U
(includes Windows entries)

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Index Entries

U number format element (SQL Reference)
U0703040.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
U0800060.SQL script (Reference)
U0801050.SQL script (Reference)
U0801060.SQL script (Reference)
U0801070.SQL script (Reference)
uasm(8) (Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
definition (OCI Programmer's Guide)
definition (OCI Programmer's Guide)
definition (OCI Programmer's Guide)
UCPU item (Performance Guide)
UCS-2 character set (Provider for OLE DB Developer’s Guide)
UDAG (User-Defined Aggregate Functions) (Concepts)
UDAGs (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
UDAGs (User-Defined Aggregate Functions)
creation and use of (Concepts)
UI, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
UID function (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
UL locks (Performance Guide)
UMA (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
definition (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
indexing characters with (Text Developer's Guide)
unary operators (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
of CHANGE (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
UNC (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
deleting repository records (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
of CHANGE (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
UNDEFINE command (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
and DEFINE command (SQL*Plus Guide)
UNDEFINE command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
and DEFINE command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
UNDER ANY TABLE system privilege (SQL Reference)
UNDER ANY VIEW system privilege (SQL Reference)
UNDER attribute (ROW) (OLAP DML Guide)
UNDER clause
of CREATE VIEW (SQL Reference)
UNDER keyword (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
UNDER object privilege (SQL Reference)
on a type (SQL Reference)
on a view (SQL Reference)
UNDERLINE variable (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
UNDERLINE variable, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
underscores (PL/SQL Guide)
Understanding Index Tuning Recommendations (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
understanding rules-of-thumb (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Understanding Statistical Information (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
undo (Concepts)
rollback (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
See also (Concepts)
system managed (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
undo a transaction (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
undo blocks (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
undo management, automatic (Concepts)
undo pool quota (New Features)
undo space management
automatic undo management mode (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
described (Admin Guide)
rollback segment undo mode (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
specifying mode (Admin Guide)
undo tablespace
switching (Real Application Clusters Administration)
UNDO tablespace clause
undo tablespaces
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
altering (Admin Guide)
backups (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
creating (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
dropping (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
estimating space requirements (Admin Guide)
initialization parameters for (Admin Guide)
modifying (SQL Reference)
monitoring (Admin Guide)
PENDING OFFLINE status (Admin Guide)
specifying at database creation (Admin Guide)
specifying retention period (Admin Guide)
starting an instance using (Admin Guide)
statistics for (Admin Guide)
switching (Admin Guide)
used with flashback queries (Admin Guide)
user quotas (Admin Guide)
viewing information about (Admin Guide)
undoing script changes (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
UNDOTBS tablespace
raw devices (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
identifying on UNIX (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter
     [entry #2] (Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
starting instance as AUTO (Admin Guide)
UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration)
UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter
     [entry #2] (Reference)
for undo tablespaces (Admin Guide)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
UNDO_SUPPRESS_ERROR initialization parameter
for undo tablespaces (Admin Guide)
UNDO_SUPPRESS_ERRORS initialization parameter (Reference)
setting with ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
UNDO_TABLESPACE initialization parameter
     [entry #2] (Reference)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
starting an instance using (Admin Guide)
UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter (Real Application Clusters Administration)
UnfreezeWorkspace procedure (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unfreezing workspaces (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
unhandled exceptions (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #3] (PL/SQL Guide)
UNHANDLED_ERR (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
UNHANDLED_ERR_MSG (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
UNHANDLED_ERR_XSL_PR (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
UNHANDLED_ERR_XSL_PR_MSG (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
UNHANDLED_ERR_XSL_RD (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
UNHANDLED_ERR_XSL_RD_MSG (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
VARCHAR2 and CLOBs support (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
Unicode (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (New Features)
     [entry #3] (New Features)
     [entry #4] (Provider for OLE DB Developer’s Guide)
character code assignments (Globalization Support Guide)
character set ID (OCI Programmer's Guide)
character set Id (OCI Programmer's Guide)
data migration (Globalization Support Guide)
defined (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
NCHAR datatype (Replication)
NVARCHAR datatype (Replication)
OCILobRead() (OCI Programmer's Guide)
OCILobWrite() (OCI Programmer's Guide)
replication (Replication)
Unicode character set (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
unicode data (JDBC Guide)
Unicode encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit (UTF-8) (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
Unicode variables (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
unicode, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
Unified Modeling Language (UML) (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
UNIFORM clause
uniform disk access (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
uniform memory access
definition (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
Uniform Resource Identifier, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
Uniform Resource Locator, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
uninitialized object
how treated (PL/SQL Guide)
uninstall option (AuditorInstaller) (SQLJ Guide)
uninstalling parsers (AppDev - XML)
union (Spatial Guide)
UNION ALL operator
examples (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Performance Guide)
optimizing view queries (Performance Guide)
transforming OR into (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
UNION ALL set operator (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
union MdmHierarchy (OLAP API Guide)
UNION operator
examples (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
optimizing view queries (Performance Guide)
UNION set operator (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
cannot be nested in host structures (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
not permitted as host structures (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
with subqueries
materialized views (Replication)
restrictions for materialized views (Replication)
definition (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
UNIQUE clause
of constraint_clause (SQL Reference)
of CREATE INDEX (SQL Reference)
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
of SELECT (SQL Reference)
UNIQUE constraint (Performance Guide)
unique constraints
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
enabling (SQL Reference)
index on (SQL Reference)
unique indexes (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
UNIQUE KEY constraints
effect on direct path load (Utilities)
UNIQUE key constraints
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
associated indexes (Admin Guide)
combining with NOT NULL constraint (AppDev - Fundamentals)
composite keys (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
composite keys and nulls (AppDev - Fundamentals)
constraint checking (Concepts)
disabling (AppDev - Fundamentals)
dropping associated indexes (Admin Guide)
enabling (AppDev - Fundamentals)
enabling on creation (Admin Guide)
foreign key references when dropped (Admin Guide)
indexes associated with (Admin Guide)
indexes used to enforce (Concepts)
maximum number of columns (Concepts)
NOT NULL constraints and (Concepts)
nulls and (Concepts)
PRIMARY KEY constraint vs. (AppDev - Fundamentals)
size limit of (Concepts)
when to use (AppDev - Fundamentals)
unique keys (Concepts)
composite (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
definition (Concepts)
optimization (Performance Guide)
searches (Performance Guide)
unique queries (SQL Reference)
unique values
generating with SQL*Loader (Utilities)
uniqueMemberMatch matching rule (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
uniqueness (Performance Guide)
uniqueness constraints
preventing errors during import (Utilities)
UNISTR function (SQL Reference)
unit of measurement
MDSYS tables (Spatial Guide)
UNIT_NAME column
in SDO_ANGLE_UNITS table (Spatial Guide)
in SDO_AREA_UNITS table (Spatial Guide)
in SDO_DIST_UNITS table (Spatial Guide)
UNIT_NAME column in SDO_DIST_UNITS table (Spatial Guide)
Universal Naming Convention (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
Universal ROWID (OCI Programmer's Guide)
universal ROWID (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #4] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
ROWID pseudocolumns (Pro*COBOL Guide)
universal rowids (PL/SQL Guide)
universal rowids. (SQL Reference)
Universal ROWIDs. See UROWIDs (Migration)
     [entry #2] (JDBC Guide)
     [entry #3] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
and Optimal Flexible Architecture (Getting Started for Windows)
and Windows, Oracle9i differences (Getting Started for Windows)
finding bootstrap (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
linking a Pro*C application under (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
raw volume names ASCII file (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
creating (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
disabled (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
disabling (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
public (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
public (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
raw volumes, configuring (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
recovering OS and NetWorker (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
recovering server indexes and configuration files (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
recovering to new server (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
renaming configuration files (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
starting Change Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
starting Change Manager from the command line (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
using command line interface on (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
UNIX crypt, for password encryption (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #4] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #5] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #6] (Internet Directory Developer's Guide)
UNIX crypt, for password hashing (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
Unix Group Name screen (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
UNIX hashing scheme (Security Overview)
Unix Installer Location screen (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
UNIX platforms
setting variables for Inso (Text Reference)
UNIX system performance (Performance Guide)
UNIX, 2-12 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
UNIX, starting Oracle Directory Manager on (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
UNIX_GROUP_NAME (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
unlabeled volumes (Legato Storage Manager Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
UNLIMITED extents (Data Warehousing Guide)
UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege (Admin Guide)
UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege (SQL Reference)
UNLOAD statement (DB2 file format)
not supported by SQL*Loader (Utilities)
unlocking table rows (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UnlockRows procedure (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
unmarking (OCI Programmer's Guide)
objects (OCI Programmer's Guide)
unnamed composites (OLAP DML Guide)
unnamed composites, 3-16 (OLAP DML Guide)
defining (OLAP DML Guide)
example of (OLAP DML Guide)
naming (OLAP DML Guide)
UNNEST hint (Performance Guide)
unnesting collections (SQL Reference)
examples (SQL Reference)
unnesting queries (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
unnesting subqueries (SQL Reference)
UNNEST_SUBQUERY parameter (Performance Guide)
unpinning (OCI Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
objects (OCI Programmer's Guide)
unplanned downtime (New Features)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
unplanned outages
both nodes (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
one node (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
UNPREPARED status (C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
unprotected mode (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
unpublishjsp command (Java Tools Reference)
     [entry #2] (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
unpublishservlet command (Java Tools Reference)
     [entry #2] (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
of ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
See also (SQL Reference)
ALTER DATABASE statement (Admin Guide)
unrecoverable objects
and RECOVER operation (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
unrecoverable objects and (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
UNRECOVERABLE operations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
backups after (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
unrecoverable operations
performing backups after (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
propagating manually (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
UNREGISTER command (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
queue/topic connection factory in LDAP (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
unregistering a database from the recovery catalog (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
UNREGISTER_NS command (Net Services Reference)
UNSAFE_NULL precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
unsafe_reload config param (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
unschedulePropagation (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
unsetEntityContext method (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
unsetEntityContext method, 4-7 (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
UNSET_ATTRIBUTE procedure (Text Reference)
external datatype (OCI Programmer's Guide)
Oracle external datatype (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
UNSIGNED datatype (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
external datatype (C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
unsolicited event (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
unsolicited events (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
unsorted data
direct path load
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
unsorted indexes (SQL Reference)
unspecified access (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
unstructured data (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
unsubscribe (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
unsupported features (Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
unsupported functions
generic connectivity (Heterogeneous Connectivity Admin Guide)
UNTIL CANCEL clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
UNTIL CANCEL clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
UNTIL CHANGE clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
UNTIL CHANGE clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
UNTIL CONTROLFILE clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
UNTIL TIME clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
UNTIL TIME clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
RECOVER command (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
untilClause (Recovery Manager Reference)
of ALTER INDEX (SQL Reference)
unusable data
collecting (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
UNUSABLE indexes
function-based (Concepts)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
UP role change notification (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
updatability in result sets (JDBC Guide)
updatable materialized view logs (Replication)
trigger for (Replication)
updatable materialized views (Replication)
     [entry #2] (Replication)
column subsetting (Replication)
conflict resolution (Replication)
length semantics (Replication)
materialized view groups (Replication)
updatable result set concurrency type (JDBC Guide)
updatable result sets
creating (JDBC Guide)
DELETE operations (JDBC Guide)
INSERT operations (JDBC Guide)
limitations (JDBC Guide)
refetching rows (JDBC Guide)
     [subentry #2] (JDBC Guide)
seeing internal changes (JDBC Guide)
update conflicts (JDBC Guide)
UPDATE operations (JDBC Guide)
updatable scrollable cursors (New Features)
block access during (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
UPDATE ANY TABLE system privilege (SQL Reference)
update batching
batch limit (SQLJ Guide)
batchable and compatible statements (SQLJ Guide)
batching incompatible statements (SQLJ Guide)
canceling a batch (SQLJ Guide)
cautions (SQLJ Guide)
enabling and disabling (SQLJ Guide)
error conditions during execution (SQLJ Guide)
explicit and implicit batch execution (SQLJ Guide)
overview (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQLJ Guide)
overview, Oracle vs. standard model (JDBC Guide)
overview, statements supported (JDBC Guide)
used with arrays (JDBC Guide)
used with SQLData interface (JDBC Guide)
using with arrays (JDBC Guide)
through OracleJSP ConnBean (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
update counts (SQLJ Guide)
using implicit execution contexts (SQLJ Guide)
with respect to recursive call-ins (SQLJ Guide)
update batching (Oracle model)
batch value, checking (JDBC Guide)
batch value, overriding (JDBC Guide)
committing changes (JDBC Guide)
update batching (standard model)
adding to batch (JDBC Guide)
clearing the batch (JDBC Guide)
committing changes (JDBC Guide)
error handling (JDBC Guide)
example (JDBC Guide)
executing the batch (JDBC Guide)
intermixing batched and non-batched (JDBC Guide)
of ALTER INDEX (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
UPDATE command (OLAP DML Guide)
disabling, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
disabling, disabling (SQL*Plus Guide)
update conflicts in result sets (JDBC Guide)
update counts
Oracle update batching (JDBC Guide)
standard update batching (JDBC Guide)
upon error (standard batching) (JDBC Guide)
update frequencies (Data Warehousing Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (Admin Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
UPDATE in a result set (JDBC Guide)
update no action constraint (Concepts)
UPDATE object privilege (SQL Reference)
on a table (SQL Reference)
on a view (SQL Reference)
update operations
collecting supplemental log data for (SQL Reference)
UPDATE privilege
revoking (Admin Guide)
UPDATE privilege for object tables (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
update processing (AppDev - XML)
of MERGE (SQL Reference)
UPDATE SQL statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
UPDATE statement
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #4] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
column values and triggers (AppDev - Fundamentals)
data consistency (AppDev - Fundamentals)
embedded SQL examples (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
example (Pro*COBOL Guide)
example of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
foreign key references (Concepts)
freeing space in data blocks (Concepts)
parallel UPDATE statement (Data Warehousing Guide)
purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
RETURNING clause (PL/SQL Guide)
SET clause (Pro*COBOL Guide)
SET clause in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
syntax (PL/SQL Guide)
triggers (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
BEFORE triggers (Concepts)
triggers and (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
triggers for referential integrity (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
triggers on (SQL Reference)
using host arrays in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using host tables (Pro*COBOL Guide)
WHERE clause in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
UPDATE statements
binds of greater than 4000 bytes (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
update status (OLAP DML Guide)
update windows (Data Warehousing Guide)
update, XSU (AppDev - XML)
UPDATECHARSET argument (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
updateColumns/ForUpdate (WITH clause) (SQLJ Guide)
updated locators (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
     [entry #3] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
updateRow() method (result set) (JDBC Guide)
     [entry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
and simultaneous insert (SQL Reference)
concurrent (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
instance lock (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
locating free space (Reference)
location transparency and (Admin Guide)
object views (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
performance (Real Application Clusters Administration)
piecewise (OCI Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
positioned (OCI Programmer's Guide)
transaction processing option (Reference)
transparency (Admin Guide)
updatability of object views (Concepts)
updatability of views (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
     [subentry #3] (Concepts)
updatable join views (Concepts)
update intensive environments (Concepts)
updatesAreDetected() method (database meta data) (JDBC Guide)
updateUI() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
updateXML(Document) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
updateXML(InputStream) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
updateXML(Reader) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
updateXML(String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
updateXML(URL) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
updateXXX() methods (result set) (JDBC Guide)
     [entry #2] (JDBC Guide)
connection batch value, setting (JDBC Guide)
connection vs. statement batch value (JDBC Guide)
default batch value (JDBC Guide)
disable auto-commit (JDBC Guide)
example (JDBC Guide)
limitations and characteristics (JDBC Guide)
overview (JDBC Guide)
statement batch value, setting (JDBC Guide)
stream types not allowed (JDBC Guide)
update counts (JDBC Guide)
updateXXX() methods for empty LOBs (JDBC Guide)
UPDATE_CONTROL option (Label Security Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Admin Guide)
UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE status (C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
UPDATE_TRANSLATION procedure (Text Reference)
a row containing a BFILE (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
any length data (FAQ) (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
avoid the LOB with different locators (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
BFILEs by selecting a BFILE from another table (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
BFILEs using BFILENAME() (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
by initializing a LOB locator bind variable
internal persistent LOBs (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
by selecting a LOB from another table
internal persistent LOBs (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
list of completed tasks (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
list of pending tasks (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
LOB values using one locator (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
LOB values, read consistent locators (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
LOB with PL/SQL bind variable (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
LOBs using SQL and DBMS_LOB (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
locators (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
locking before (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
locking prior to (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
     [subentry #3] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
rows in a table
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
rows in tables and views (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
table using keyColumns, XSU (AppDev - XML)
using XSU (AppDev - XML)
internal persistent LOBs (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
updating configuration properties (Data Guard Broker)
updating labeled data (Label Security Admin Guide)
updating result sets (JDBC Guide)
updating tables
with parent keys (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
to the cost-based optimizer (Performance Guide)
UPGRADE CATALOG command (Recovery Manager Reference)
UPGRADE clause
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
upgrade of Oracle Enterprise Manager products, coordinating (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
Upgrades listings on Summary screen (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
7.x to 8.0 (OCI Programmer's Guide)
7.x to 8.0 OCI (OCI Programmer's Guide)
Advanced Queuing (Migration)
after upgrading (Migration)
     [subentry #2] (Migration)
running the Migration utility (Migration)
running the Oracle Data Migration Assistant (Migration)
scripts run long (Migration)
SYSTEM tablespace (Migration)
temporary tablespace tablespace (Migration)
applications (Migration)
compatibility rules (Migration)
options (Migration)
relinking (Migration)
character set (Migration)
definition (Migration)
initialization parameters (Migration)
interMedia (Migration)
Java (Migration)
removing (Migration)
post-upgrade actions (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
resolution for oracle database (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
XMLU815.SQL (AppDev - XML)
XMLU816.SQL (AppDev - XML)
XMLU817.SQL (AppDev - XML)
upgrading (Migration)
XDK for Java (AppDev - XML)
XDK for Java to Oracle9i (AppDev - XML)
XML (AppDev - XML)
upgrading from an earlier release (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
all nodes at same time (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
in a multi-node environment (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
in a single node environment (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
LDIF-based (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
one node at a time (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
tasks before (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
upgrading repository, release 2.x to release 9i (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
upgrading the recovery catalog (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
UPLOAD_AS_BLOB and DAD (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
UPPER function (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
uppercase characters (Reference)
upsert (now merge) (Data Warehousing Guide)
URI (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
isqlplus, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
isqlplusdba, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
running dynamic reports, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
URI, 2-35 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
URI, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
Uri-ref,see also Uri-reference (AppDev - XML)
database and session (AppDev - XML)
datatypes (AppDev - XML)
DBUri (AppDev - XML)
DBUri and object references (AppDev - XML)
DBUri syntax guidelines (AppDev - XML)
DBUri-ref (AppDev - XML)
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - XML)
DBUri-ref uses (AppDev - XML)
DBUriType (AppDev - XML)
DBUriType examples (AppDev - XML)
explained (AppDev - XML)
HTTP access for DBUri-ref (AppDev - XML)
HttpUriType (AppDev - XML)
UriFactory package (AppDev - XML)
UriType (AppDev - XML)
URIType examples (AppDev - XML)
URITypes (AppDev - XML)
UriFactory package (AppDev - XML)
configuring to handle DBUri-ref (AppDev - XML)
factory method (AppDev - XML)
registering ecom protocol (AppDev - XML)
URIType (AppDev - XML)
examples (AppDev - XML)
UriTypes (AppDev - XML)
benefits (AppDev - XML)
summarized (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
bind in namespace (Java Tools Reference)
binding in namespace (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
syntax for (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
used as JNDI parameter (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
url (JDBC Guide)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #3] (XML Reference)
URL (uniform resource locator) (PL/SQL Guide)
URL object (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
url option (customizer harness) (SQLJ Guide)
url option for checking (sqlj -url) (SQLJ Guide)
URL protocols (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for compact discs (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
URL rewriting (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
URL rewriting, 1-4 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
URL syntax (Text Reference)
URL, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
URL, 1-2 (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
URL, default prefix for online checking (SQLJ Guide)
URL, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
URLs (AppDev - Fundamentals)
context path (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
for Oracle9i Servlet Engine (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
generating (SQL Reference)
servlet path (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
storing (Text Developer's Guide)
URL rewriting (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
urlsize attribute (Text Reference)
about (Text Developer's Guide)
example (Text Developer's Guide)
attributes for (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
URL_DATASTORE system-defined preference (Text Reference)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
URL_PKG_PREFIXES property, 2-16 (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
Universal ROWID (OCI Programmer's Guide)
UROWID datatype (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
compatibility (Migration)
interoperability (Migration)
and foreign tables (SQL Reference)
and index-organized tables (SQL Reference)
description of (SQL Reference)
usage scenarios
for Data Viewer (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
for Oracle Capacity Planner (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
for Oracle Performance Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
for Tuning Assistant (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
usage techniques (AppDev - XML)
usage, publishjsp option (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
thread context (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
use case diagrams (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
use cases
full list of internal persistent LOBs (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
model, graphic summary of (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
Use for Heterogeneous Services option in Oracle Net Manager (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Admin Guide)
use operators differently to enable indexes (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Use Options Compatible with Net8 8.0 Clients option (Migration)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Admin Guide)
Use Oracle8 Release 8.0 Compatible Identification option (Migration)
Use Oracle8i Release 8.0 Compatible Identification option (Net Services Admin Guide)
use TRUNC differently to enable indexes (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
use UNION ALL instead of UNION (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
use WHERE in place of HAVING (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
useBean tag
sample application (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
syntax (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
useBean tag, compile-time JML (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
useConnectionPooling() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #3] (XML Reference)
     [entry #4] (XML Reference)
useCookie tag, JML (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
used blocks (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
useForm tag, JML (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
useHTMLErrors() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #3] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #4] (XML Reference)
     [entry #5] (XML Reference)
     [entry #6] (XML Reference)
useLowerCaseTagNames() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
useNullAttributeIndicator(boolean) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
in security (Servlet Engine Developer's Guide)
moving among instances (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
partitioning method (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
PUBLIC (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
system-defined (Text Developer's Guide)
user access rights (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
user authentication (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
description (Network, Directory, and Security Guide for Windows)
user authorization (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
user authorizations
compartments (Label Security Admin Guide)
groups (Label Security Admin Guide)
levels (Label Security Admin Guide)
understanding (Label Security Admin Guide)
user call rate
defined (SNMP Support Reference)
USER CALLS in V$SYSSTAT (SNMP Support Reference)
user calls per parse
defined (SNMP Support Reference)
USER clause (SQL*Plus Guide)
USER clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
USER COMMITS in V$SYSSTAT (SNMP Support Reference)
user configuration file
     [entry #2] (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
to set precompiler options (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
user connection property (JDBC Guide)
user counters (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Real Application Clusters issues (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
user defined locks (Performance Guide)
user definitions
importing (Utilities)
user entries
by using ldapadd (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
user error failure
definition (Concepts)
user errors (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
recovery from (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
User Exits (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
user exits
calling from a SQL*Forms trigger (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
common uses for (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
example of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
guidelines for (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
kinds of statements allowed in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
linking into IAP (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
meaning of codes returned by (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
naming (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
passing parameters to (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
requirements for variables in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
running the GENXTB form (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
running the GENXTB utility for (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
use of IAF GET statements in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
use of IAF PUT statements in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
use of WHENEVER statement in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
user exits, not supported (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Getting Started for Windows)
User field, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
USER function (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
user global area (UGA)
shared servers (Performance Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Performance Guide)
V$SESSTAT (Performance Guide)
user interface (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
user interface, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
supported, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
user interface, definition (AppDev - XML)
     [entry #2] (Case Studies - XML Applications)
user interfaces
overview (Data Guard Broker)
user locks
requesting (AppDev - Fundamentals)
user login (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
User Manager
defined (Getting Started for Windows)
integration with Oracle9i database (Getting Started for Windows)
preferred tools (Getting Started for Windows)
starting (Getting Started for Windows)
user memory
allocating (OCI Programmer's Guide)
user mode export (Utilities)
specifying (Utilities)
user models (Security Overview)
user name, Enterprise Security (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
user names
default, expiration of (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
user names and passwords, managing
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
user operations, Security Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
user option (JPublisher User's Guide)
user option (customizer harness) (SQLJ Guide)
user option (JPublisher -user) (SQLJ Guide)
user option for checking (sqlj -user) (SQLJ Guide)
user parameter
Character Set Scanner Utility (Globalization Support Guide)
user password modification event (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
User Preferences
button (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
menu item (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
user preferences
jobs (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
when running jobs (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
User privilege, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
user process
free list (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
user processes
associating with free list groups (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
associating with free lists (Real Application Clusters Administration)
connections and (Concepts)
dedicated server processes and (Concepts)
definition (Concepts)
free lists (Real Application Clusters Administration)
instance shutdown errors (Real Application Clusters Administration)
manual archiving by (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
sessions and (Concepts)
shared server processes and (Concepts)
trace files (Reference)
user profile (SQL*Plus Guide)
LOGIN.SQL (SQL*Plus Guide)
See also site profile (SQL*Plus Guide)
user profiles
     [entry #2] (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
definition (Concepts)
user program interface (UPI) (Concepts)
USER pseudocolumn (Concepts)
user queue (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
user requests (Performance Methods)
user resources
limiting (Data Warehousing Guide)
user role (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
user rollback ratio
defined (SNMP Support Reference)
user search base, specifying (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
user security (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
user session (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
user session handle
attributes (OCI Programmer's Guide)
description (OCI Programmer's Guide)
setting in service context (OCI Programmer's Guide)
user sessions
associating with free list groups (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
terminating (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
user trace files (Real Application Clusters Administration)
user variables (SQL*Plus Guide)
defining (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
defining, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
deleting (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
deleting, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
displaying in headers and footers (SQL*Plus Guide)
displaying in headers and footers, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
displaying in titles (SQL*Plus Guide)
displaying in titles, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
in ACCEPT command (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
listing definition of one (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
listing definition of one, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
listing definitions of all (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
listing definitions of all, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
user, creating (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
user, proxy (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
user-created objects
in SYS schema (Migration)
user-defined aggregate functions (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
compatibility (Migration)
preparing to upgrade (Migration)
queue tables (Migration)
recovery catalog (Migration)
replication (Migration)
scripts (Migration)
dropping for downgrading (Migration)
rerunning (Migration)
UTLRP.SQL (Migration)
XMLU815.SQL (Migration)
XMLU816.SQL (Migration)
XMLU817.SQL (Migration)
User-Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAGs) (Concepts)
creation and use of (Concepts)
user-defined aggregates (UDAGs) and LOBs (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
user-defined analysis
creating (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
definition (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
deleting (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
identifying icon (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
renaming (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
user-defined annotation types (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotatorDescriptor DTD (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
element hierarchy (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
example (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
using (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
user-defined callback functions (OCI Programmer's Guide)
registering (OCI Programmer's Guide)
user-defined charts
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [entry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
copying (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
creating like (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Data Items page (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
defining a new chart (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
modifying (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
restriction when drilling down (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
user-defined class
adding a data item to (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
copying (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
creating (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
creating another class like (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
deleting (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
designating a data source for (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
modifying (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
modifying a data item in (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
removing a data item from (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
specifying the SQL statement to create (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
starting collection for (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
stopping collection for (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
user-defined coordinate system (Spatial Guide)
user-defined costs (Performance Guide)
user-defined data types
embedding SDO_GEOMETRY objects in (Spatial Guide)
embedding SDO_GEOMETRY objects in, 8-1 (Spatial Guide)
user-defined datatypes (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
and remote databases (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
collections (Concepts)
nested tables (Concepts)
nested tables (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
variable arrays (VARRAYs) (Concepts)
variable arrays (VARRAYs) (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
compatibility (Migration)
Export and Import (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
incomplete types (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
interoperability (Migration)
materialized views (Replication)
collections (Replication)
column objects (Replication)
column objects (Replication)
object tables (Replication)
ON COMMIT REFRESH clause (Replication)
REFs (Replication)
type agreement (Replication)
new format (Migration)
object types (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
use of table aliases (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
privileges (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
replication (Replication)
     [subentry #2] (Replication)
collections (Replication)
collections (Replication)
column objects (Replication)
column objects (Replication)
object tables (Replication)
REFs (Replication)
REFs (Replication)
type agreement (Replication)
type agreement (Replication)
See also object-relational model (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
storage (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
user-defined errors (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
user-defined exceptions (PL/SQL Guide)
user-defined functions (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (OLAP DML Guide)
arguments in (OLAP DML Guide)
calling (OLAP DML Guide)
data type of (OLAP DML Guide)
name precedence of (SQL Reference)
naming conventions (SQL Reference)
restrictions on (SQL Reference)
user-defined map views
creating (Oracle Enterprise Manager Admin Guide)
user-defined network views
creating (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
user-defined object identifiers
compatibility (Migration)
user-defined operators (SQL Reference)
user-defined record (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
user-defined records (PL/SQL Guide)
user-defined statistics
dropping (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #5] (SQL Reference)
user-defined stored function
used in WHERE clause (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
user-defined subtypes (PL/SQL Guide)
user-defined type equivalencing (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
user-defined types (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQLJ Guide)
defining (SQL Reference)
mapping to Java classes (SQL Reference)
user-managed (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
user-managed backup and recovery
definition (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
reasons (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
user-managed backups (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [entry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
backup mode (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
basic methodology (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
cataloging (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
control files (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
binary (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
trace files (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
definition (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
determining datafile status (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
hot backups (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
listing files before (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
offline datafiles (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
offline tablespaces (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
read-only tablespaces (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
restoring (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
restoring whole database (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
tablespace (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
verifying (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
whole database (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
user-managed recovery
ADD DATAFILE operation (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
applying archived logs (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
complete (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
incomplete (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
interrupting (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
opening database after (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
scenarios (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
user-managed restore and recovery
overview (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
user-managed restore operations (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
user-mode interprocess communication
how used in Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
user-mode IPCs
and Cache Fusion (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
user-set attributes (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
USERENV function (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #3] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
USERENV namespace (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
command-line option (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
compiling Module Language files (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
generating interface procedure files (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
USERID networking parameter (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
USERID option
using with the SQLCHECK option (Pro*COBOL Guide)
when required (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
USERID OTT parameter (C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OCI Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
USERID parameter
for Export utility (Utilities)
for Import utility (Utilities)
for SQL*Loader command line (Utilities)
userid parameter
Character Set Scanner Utility (Globalization Support Guide)
USERID precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using with the SQLCHECK option (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
userid, specifying (JDBC Guide)
USERLOCK.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
connecting under different (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
connecting under different, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
created at installation (SQL*Plus Guide)
field, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
for instances imported from .XDL files (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
in AUTHORIZATION clause (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
in CONNECT command (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus Guide)
in CONNECT command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
in COPY command (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus Guide)
in SQLPLUS command (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus Guide)
USERNAME argument (Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference)
as reported in a trigger (AppDev - Fundamentals)
changing (Getting Started for Windows)
defining (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
hardcoding (Pro*COBOL Guide)
of administrative accounts (Getting Started for Windows)
schemas (AppDev - Fundamentals)
SYS and SYSTEM (Admin Guide)
using with Microsoft application demo (Developer's Guide for Microsoft Transaction Server)
userPassword attribute, hash values (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
access rights (Concepts)
adding to the target group (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
additional user definitions (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
allocating space for (SQL Reference)
altering (Admin Guide)
and database links (SQL Reference)
as grantees (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
default roles (SQL Reference)
profiles (SQL Reference)
assigning profiles to (Admin Guide)
assigning tablespace quotas (Admin Guide)
assigning unlimited quotas for (Admin Guide)
associating with free list groups (Real Application Clusters Administration)
auditing (Concepts)
authenticating (Reference)
authenticating to a remote server (SQL Reference)
about (Admin Guide)
about (Admin Guide)
authentication enhancement methods (Network, Directory, and Security Guide for Windows)
authentication of (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
authorize for deployment template (Replication Management API Reference)
changing a user's default acl for documents (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
changing a user's email address (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
changing a user's home folder (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
changing a user's password (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
changing a user's quota control (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
changing authentication (SQL Reference)
changing default roles (Admin Guide)
changing global authentication (SQL Reference)
create (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
creating (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
creating with xml (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
credential manager users (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
database authentication (Admin Guide)
dedicated servers and (Concepts)
default tablespaces (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
default tablespaces of (Concepts)
deleting (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
deleting from an ACL (Internet File System User's Guide)
denying access to tables and views (SQL Reference)
dropped roles (AppDev - Fundamentals)
dropping (Admin Guide)
dropping profiles and (Admin Guide)
dropping roles and (Admin Guide)
enabling roles for (AppDev - Fundamentals)
end-user security policies (Admin Guide)
enrolling (Admin Guide)
enterprise (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #3] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #4] (Concepts)
external (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
external authentication (Admin Guide)
global (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
system privileges on (SQL Reference)
impact of adding new (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
in a newly created database (Admin Guide)
in ifs (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
interaction method (Performance Methods)
interfaces (Performance Methods)
licensing by number of (Concepts)
licensing of (Concepts)
limiting number of (Admin Guide)
listed in data dictionary (Concepts)
listing (Admin Guide)
listing privileges granted to (Admin Guide)
listing roles granted to (Admin Guide)
local (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
location (Performance Methods)
locking accounts (SQL Reference)
locks (Concepts)
managing (Admin Guide)
master materialized view sites (Replication Management API Reference)
master sites (Replication Management API Reference)
materialized view sites (Replication Management API Reference)
maximum concurrent (SQL Reference)
multiple (Reference)
multiuser environments (Concepts)
network authentication (Admin Guide)
network speed (Performance Methods)
number of (Performance Methods)
objects after dropping (Admin Guide)
operating system authentication (Admin Guide)
password encryption (Concepts)
password expiration of (SQL Reference)
password security (Admin Guide)
policies for managing privileges (Admin Guide)
privileges for changing passwords (Admin Guide)
privileges for creating (Admin Guide)
privileges for dropping (Admin Guide)
processes of (Concepts)
profiles of (Concepts)
proxy authentication and authorization (Admin Guide)
PUBLIC group (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
PUBLIC user group (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
removing from the database (SQL Reference)
removing from the target group (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
requests (Performance Methods)
resource limits of (Concepts)
response time (Performance Methods)
restricting application roles (AppDev - Fundamentals)
roles and (Concepts)
for types of users (Concepts)
schema-independent (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
schemas of (Concepts)
security and (Admin Guide)
security domains of (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
security for general users (Admin Guide)
session, terminating (Admin Guide)
set default definitions (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
setting up folders for (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
specifying user names (Admin Guide)
SQL examples (SQL Reference)
tablespace quotas (Admin Guide)
tablespace quotas of (Concepts)
temporary tablespaces for (SQL Reference)
temporary tablespaces of (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
unique user names (Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Admin Guide)
user profiles (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
usernames (Concepts)
sessions and connections (Concepts)
viewing (Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide)
viewing information on (Admin Guide)
viewing memory use (Admin Guide)
viewing tablespace quotas (Admin Guide)
when to use enterprise users (Network, Directory, and Security Guide for Windows)
when to use external users (Network, Directory, and Security Guide for Windows)
Users Default Chart (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
in Oracle Performance Manager (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
Users Logged On Chart (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
Users Per Instance Default Chart
in Oracle Performance Manager (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
USERS tablespace
described (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
raw device (Real Application Clusters Installation and Configuration)
users, home directory (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
command file, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
in CONNECT command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
HTTP authentication (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
security (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
using JSPs to display data (Internet File System Developer's Guide)
in COPY command, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
passing parameters to a command file, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
similar to START, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
bind in namespace (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Java Tools Reference)
UserTransaction interface (CORBA Guide)
     [entry #2] (CORBA Guide)
     [entry #3] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [entry #4] (JDBC Guide)
begin method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
commit method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
getStatus method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
rollback method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
setRollbackOnly method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
setTransactionTimeout method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #3] (JDBC Guide)
UserTransaction object
begin method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #4] (JDBC Guide)
     [subentry #5] (JDBC Guide)
     [subentry #6] (JDBC Guide)
commit method (JDBC Guide)
rollback method (JDBC Guide)
begin method, 7-26 (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
binding in namespace (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (JDBC Guide)
overview (JDBC Guide)
sample application (JDBC Guide)
stream types not allowed (JDBC Guide)
update counts (JDBC Guide)
update counts upon error (JDBC Guide)
commit method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #3] (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #5] (JDBC Guide)
     [subentry #6] (JDBC Guide)
commit method, 7-26 (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
retrieving (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
rollback method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #3] (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
rollback method, 7-26 (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
setTransactionTimeout method (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
usertypes option (JPublisher User's Guide)
USER_ views (Concepts)
USER_ALL_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_ARGUMENTS view (Reference)
USER_ASSOCIATIONS view (Reference)
USER_AUDIT_OBJECT view (Reference)
USER_AUDIT_SESSION view (Reference)
USER_AUDIT_TRAIL view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_CATALOG view (Reference)
CAT synonym (Reference)
USER_CLUSTERS view (Reference)
CLU synonym (Reference)
USER_CLU_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_COLL_TYPES view (Reference)
USER_COL_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Reference)
USER_COL_COMMENTS view (Reference)
USER_COL_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_COL_PRIVS_MADE view (Reference)
USER_COL_PRIVS_RECD view (Reference)
USER_CONSTRAINTS view (Reference)
USER_CONS_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_DATASTORE (Text Developer's Guide)
about (Text Developer's Guide)
USER_DATASTORE object (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
filtering binary documents (Text Reference)
USER_DB_LINKS view (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_DEPENDENCIES view (Reference)
user_dic attribute (Text Reference)
USER_DIMENSIONS view (Reference)
USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES view (Reference)
USER_DIM_CHILD_OF view (Reference)
USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY view (Reference)
USER_DIM_LEVELS view (Reference)
USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY view (Reference)
USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #6] (Error Messages)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
SQL Trace (Performance Guide)
USER_DUMP_DEST parameter (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide for Windows)
     [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
debugging stored procedures (AppDev - Fundamentals)
USER_EXTENTS view (Reference)
USER_FILTER (Text Developer's Guide)
USER_FILTER object (Text Reference)
example (Text Reference)
USER_FREE_SPACE view (Reference)
USER_HISTOGRAMS synonym for USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS view (Reference)
USER_ID column
TKPROF_TABLE (Performance Guide)
USER_INDEXES view (Reference)
IND synonym (Reference)
USER_INDEXTYPES view (Reference)
USER_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_IND_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
USER_JAVA_POLICY view (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
jobs in system, viewing (Admin Guide)
USER_JOIN_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_LIBRARIES view (Reference)
USER_LOBS view (Reference)
USER_LOB_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
USER_LOG_GROUPS view (Reference)
USER_METHOD_PARAMS view (Reference)
USER_METHOD_RESULTS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEWS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #3] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_JOINS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_KEYS view (Reference)
USER_MVIEW_LOGS view (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_NESTED_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_OBJECTS view (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #3] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
     [entry #7] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
OBJ synonym (Reference)
USER_OBJECT_SIZE view (Reference)
USER_OBJECT_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS view (Reference)
USER_OPANCILLARY view (Reference)
USER_OPARGUMENTS view (Reference)
USER_OPBINDINGS view (Reference)
USER_OPERATORS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
stored outlines (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
stored outline hints (Performance Guide)
USER_PART_INDEXES view (Reference)
USER_PART_KEY_COLUMNS view (Reference)
USER_PART_LOBS view (Reference)
USER_PART_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_POLICIES view (Reference)
USER_PROCEDURES view (Reference)
USER_PROXIES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
USER_QUEUES view (Reference)
analyzing table and instance affinity in advanced queuing (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
USER_QUEUE_TABLES view (Reference)
USER_REFRESH view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication)
     [entry #3] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication)
     [entry #3] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REFS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCAT view (Reference)
USER_REPCATLOG view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCAT_TEMP_OUTPUT view (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS view (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCOLUMN view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPCONFLICT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPDDL view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPFLAVORS view (Reference)
USER_REPGENERATED view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPGROUP view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPOBJECT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPPRIORITY view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPPROP view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_REPSCHEMA view (Reference)
USER_REPSITES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
USER_RESUMABLE view (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_ROLE_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_SA_SESSION view (Label Security Admin Guide)
USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view (Spatial Guide)
USER_SDO_INDEX_INFO view (Spatial Guide)
USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA view (Spatial Guide)
USER_SEGMENTS view (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
Export and (Utilities)
USER_SEQUENCES view (Reference)
SEQ synonym (Reference)
USER_SNAPSHOTS view (Reference)
USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS view (Reference)
USER_SOURCE view (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_SOURCE_TABLES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
USER_SQLJ_TYPES view (Reference)
USER_SQLJ_TYPE_ATTRS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
USER_SYNONYMS view (Reference)
SYN synonym (Reference)
USER_SYS_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_TABLES table (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
USER_TABLES view (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
TABS synonym (Reference)
USER_TABLESPACES view (Reference)
USER_TAB_COLUMNS view (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
COLS synonym (Reference)
USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS view (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_TAB_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Reference)
USER_TAB_COMMENTS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS view (Reference)
USER_HISTOGRAMS synonym (Reference)
USER_TAB_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PRIVS view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE view (Reference)
USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD view (Reference)
USER_TRANSFORMATIONS (AppDev - Advanced Queuing (AQ))
USER_TRIGGERS view (Reference)
USER_TRIGGER_COLS view (Reference)
USER_TS_QUOTAS view (Reference)
USER_TYPES view (Reference)
USER_TYPE_ATTRS view (Reference)
USER_TYPE_METHODS view (Reference)
USER_UNUSED_COL_TABS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
USER_USERS view (Reference)
USER_USTATS view (Reference)
USER_VARRAYS view (Reference)
USER_VIEWS view (Reference)
USER_WM_LOCKED_TABLES view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WM_MODIFIED_TABLES view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WM_PRIVS view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WM_RIC_INFO view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WM_TAB_TRIGGERS view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WM_VERSIONED_TABLES view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WORKSPACES view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WORKSPACE_PRIVS view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
USER_WORKSPACE_SAVEPOINTS view (AppDev - Workspace Manager)
useServiceName flag (CORBA Guide)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
deployejb option (CORBA Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
useStyleSheet() (AppDev - XML)
useTypeForCollElemTag(boolean) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
useUpperCaseTagNames() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Reference)
useVariable tag, JML (OracleJSP Support for JavaServer Pages Guide)
USE_ASYNC_CALL networking parameter (Net Services Reference)
USE_CMAN networking parameter (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #3] (Net Services Reference)
USE_CONCAT hint (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
USE_DEDICATED_SERVER networking parameter (Net Services Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference)
USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS initialization parameter (Reference)
USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS parameter (Concepts)
USE_MERGE hint (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
USE_NL hint (Performance Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY_listener_name networking parameter (Migration)
USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY_listener_name parameter (Net Services Reference)
USE_PRIVATE_OUTLINES session parameter (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (Enterprise JavaBeans Guide)
USE_SHARED_SOCKET networking parameter (Network, Directory, and Security Guide for Windows)
USE_STORED_OUTLINES initialization parameter
setting with ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
USE_STORED_OUTLINES parameter (Performance Guide)
USE_STORED_OUTLINES session parameter (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
using (JDBC Guide)
nwadmin program (Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
using adaptors (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
USING BACKUP CONTROL FILE clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
RECOVER command (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Reference)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Reference)
using C structures (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
USING clause (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #3] (AppDev - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #4] (SQL*Plus Guide)
     [entry #5] (SQL*Plus Guide)
CONNECT statement (Pro*COBOL Guide)
in CONNECT statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
in the EXECUTE statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of FETCH statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
of OPEN statement (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Guide)
purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using in the EXECUTE statement (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using indicator variables (Pro*COBOL Guide)
using indicator variables in (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
USING clause, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Reference)
using collection types (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using connection drivers (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
using dbstring
Net8 database id specification (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
Oracle Net database id specification (Pro*COBOL Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
of constraint_clause (SQL Reference)
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
using Oracle Capacity Planner help (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
using PL/SQL interface
supplied sample code (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
Using REFs in Embedded SQL (Pro*C/C++ Guide)
using the Java API
supplied sample code (Dynamic Services User's and Admin Guide)
Using the Microsoft Word Demo (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide)
USLOG$_ (Replication)
extracting from a datetime value (SQL Reference)
UTC offset
replacing with time zone region (SQL Reference)
Unicode datatype (OCI Programmer's Guide)
UTF-16 data, sample code (OCI Programmer's Guide)
UTF-16 Encoding (AppDev - XML)
UTF-16 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
UTF-16 endian auto-detection (Text Reference)
UTF-8 encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP Services Concepts and Administration Guide for Windows)
UTF-8, 1 (iSQL*Plus User’s Guide)
UTF-8. See Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
UTF8 (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
UTF8 character encoding (PL/SQL Guide)
UTF8 character set (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
     [entry #3] (Text Reference)
     [entry #4] (Text Reference)
     [entry #5] (Text Reference)
UTFE (Globalization Support Guide)
UTFE character set (Globalization Support Guide)
ctxload (Text Reference)
Export (Admin Guide)
for the database administrator (Admin Guide)
Import (Admin Guide)
installing (Internet File System User's Guide)
loadjava (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
operating system, for recovery (Real Application Clusters Administration)
operating system, using to make copies (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
SQL*Loader (Admin Guide)
utilities, command line (OLAP DML Guide)
utilities, Oracle
Export, Import (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
for recording statistics (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
using to monitor for contention (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
UTLBSTAT.SQL (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
UTLBSTAT.SQL script (Reference)
listing chained rows (Admin Guide)
UTLCHN.SQL script (SQL Reference)
UTLCHN1.SQL script
     [entry #2] (Performance Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
     [entry #4] (Migration)
compatibility (Migration)
listing chained rows (Admin Guide)
utlclustdblt.sql script (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
UTLCONST.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
utldtree.sql (AppDev - Large Objects (LOBs))
UTLDTREE.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
utldtree.sql script (Reference)
for recording statistics (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
using to monitor for contention (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
UTLESTAT.SQL (Internet Directory Admin Guide)
UTLESTAT.SQL script (Reference)
UTLEXPT1.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (Migration)
compatibility (Migration)
UTLINCMP.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
UTLIP.SQL script (Reference)
UTLIRP.SQL script (Reference)
UTLLOCKT.SQL script (Admin Guide)
     [entry #2] (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
utlopslt.sql script (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
UTLPITL.SQL script (Migration)
UTLPWDMG.SQL script (Reference)
UTLRP.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
     [entry #3] (Migration)
     [entry #4] (Migration)
UTLSAMPL.SQL script (Reference)
UTLSCLN.SQL script (Reference)
UTLTKPRF.SQL script (Reference)
UTLVALID.SQL script (Reference)
UTLXPLAN.SQL script (Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
UTL_COLL package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_ENCODE package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_FILE package (PL/SQL Guide)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_FILE_DIR initialization parameter (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
UTL_HTTP package (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Guide)
UTL_HTTP.REQUEST, Intercartridge Exchange (Getting Started for Windows)
UTL_HTTP.REQUEST_PIECES, Intercartridge Exchange (Getting Started for Windows)
UTL_INADDR package (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
utl_oramts PL/SQL package
exposing public procedures (Developer's Guide for Microsoft Transaction Server)
public procedure (Developer's Guide for Microsoft Transaction Server)
utl_oramts.sql script (Developer's Guide for Microsoft Transaction Server)
privileges and roles granted (Developer's Guide for Microsoft Transaction Server)
UTL_PG package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_RAW package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_REF package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_SMTP package (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
UTL_TCP package (AppDev - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)