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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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List of Figures

1-1 Oracle Internet Directory Architecture
2-1 A Directory Information Tree
2-2 Attributes of the Entry for Anne Smith
2-3 Correct and Incorrect Naming Contexts
2-4 A Typical Oracle Internet Directory Node
2-5 Oracle Directory Server Instance Architecture
2-6 A Replicated Directory
2-7 A Partitioned Directory
2-8 Using Knowledge References to Point to Naming Contexts
2-9 Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure and Other Components
2-10 Placement of Resource Access and Resource Type Information in the DIT
4-1 Oracle Directory Manager Toolbar
5-1 Directory Entry Hierarchy Showing Multiple Configuration Set Entries
5-2 Alias Entries Example
5-3 Resulting Tree when Creating the My_file.ldif
5-4 A Client Locating a Directory Server by Using DNS
8-1 Example of a Directory Information Tree
10-1 Sample Audit Log in DSE
10-2 Architecture of Oracle Internet Directory Server Manageability
12-1 Indirect Authentication
14-1 Structural Access Item: Added Object Filter Tab Page
14-2 Structural Access Item: By Whom Tab Page
14-3 Example: Structural Access Item: Access Rights Tab Page
14-4 Content Access Item: By Whom Tab Page
14-5 Content Access Item: Attribute Tab Page
14-6 Content Access Item: Access Rights Tab Page
14-7 Content Access Item: By Whom Tab Page
14-8 Content Access Item: Attribute Tab Page
14-9 Content Access Item: Access Rights Tab Page
14-10 Content Access Item: By Whom Tab Page
14-11 Content Access Item: Attribute Tab Page
14-12 Content Access Item: Access Rights Tab Page
14-13 Content Access Item: By Whom Tab Page
14-14 Content Access Item: Attribute Tab Page
14-15 Access Rights Tab Page
15-1 Location of Password Policy Entries
16-1 Location of the Password Verifier Profile Entry
16-2 Authentication Model
16-3 How Password Verification Works
17-1 Delegation Flow in an Oracle Application Server Environment
19-1 Enterprise Use Case: Single Identity Management Realm
19-2 Enterprise Use Case: Multiple Identity Management Realms
19-3 Hosted Deployment Use Case
19-4 Planning the Directory Information Tree
19-5 Example of an Identity Management Realm
20-1 Usage Analysis of Current E-mail System
22-1 Example: Garbage Collection of Change Log Entries
22-2 Garbage Collection Entries in the DIT
23-1 Structure of the Intermediate User File
24-1 Example of Partial Replication
24-2 Example of Single-Master Replication
24-3 Example of Multimaster Replication
24-4 Example of Fan-Out Replication
24-5 Example of Multimaster Replication with Fan-Out
24-6 Example of a Naming Context Container and Its Objects
24-7 Example: Multimaster Replication and Fan-Out Replication
24-8 Example: Replication Configuration Entries for Node C
24-9 Example: Replication Configuration Entries for Node D
24-10 The Multimaster Replication Process on the Supplier Side
24-11 The Multimaster Replication Process on the Consumer Side
24-12 The Fan-Out Replication Process
24-13 A Sample Naming Context
26-1 Oracle Internet Directory/Oracle Technology Stack
26-2 Network-Level Failover
26-3 Deployment Example (Two Oracle Internet Directory Nodes in Replication)
26-4 Deployment Example 2
27-1 Architecture of a Rack-Mounted Directory Server Configuration
27-2 Load Balancing in a Rack-Mounted Directory Server Configuration
27-3 Metadata Synchronization Process in Rack-Mounted Environments
27-4 Example of Failover in a Rack-Mounted Environment
28-1 Simple Cold Failover Configuration
28-2 The Cold Failover Process
28-3 Directory Replication in Conjunction with Cold Failover Configuration
28-4 The Cold Failover Process in Conjunction with Oracle Directory Replication.
29-1 Oracle Internet Directory with Basic High Availability Configuration
30-1 Administrative Levels in a Hosted Environment
30-2 Flow of Information Between Components in a Oracle Delegated Administration Services Environment
30-3 Centralization of the Proxy User Feature in the Oracle Delegated Administration Services
31-1 Interactions of Oracle Delegated Administration Services Components
32-1 Example of an Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning Platform
32-2 Interactions of the Oracle Directory Synchronization Service
32-3 Interactions of the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service
32-4 Example of Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning Platform in the MyCompany Deployment
32-5 User Creation and Provisioning
32-6 Modification of User Properties
32-7 Deletion of Users from the Corporate Human Resources
34-1 Typical Deployment of The Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service Environment
34-2 How an Application Receives Provisioning Information by Using the Oracle Directory Provisioning Integration Service
34-3 How Oracle Internet Directory Receives Provisioning Information from an
41-1 Interaction Between Components with Oracle Internet Directory as the Central Directory
41-2 Interaction of Components with a Third-Party Directory as the Central Directory
43-1 Default DIT Structures in Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Active Directory when Both Directory Hosts are Under the Domain
43-2 Integration of Oracle Internet Directory with Multiple Domains in Microsoft Active Directory
43-3 Mapping Between Oracle Internet Directory and a Forest in Microsoft Active
43-4 Integration of Oracle Internet Directory DIT with Microsoft Windows NT
45-1 Oracle Internet Directory Plug-in Framework
A-1 Example: OID Reconciliation Tool Process

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