The following ATG 2007.3 documentation provides additional reference information:



ATG Commerce Service Center User Guide

Describes ATG Commerce Service Center concepts and tasks for agents and end users.

ATG API Reference for Commerce Service Center

JavaDoc descriptions of the ATG 2007.3 ATG Commerce Service Center.

ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide

Describes ATG Service concepts and tasks for application administrators, such as installing ATG Service applications, configuring ATG Service to work in various combinations and configuring ATG Search.

ATG Installation and Configuration Guide

Describes how to install and configure ATG applications running on different web applications.

ATG Personalization Programming Guide

Describes programming tasks for the ATG Personalization and Scenarios modules. Includes information on setting up profile repositories, creating targeting rules and services, configuring scenario servers, and adding custom scenario events and actions.

ATG Personalization Guide for Business Users

Designed to help business users understand and work with the ATG Personalization and Scenarios modules. Describes how to use the ATG Control Center to perform typical tasks such as segmenting site visitors, defining rules for personalizing site content, and using scenarios to create promotional campaigns.

ATG Commerce Guide to Setting Up a Store

Describes how to use ATG Business Commerce and ATG Consumer Commerce to create an online store. Intended for business users and page developers.

ATG Commerce Programming Guide

Describes how to install and customize ATG Consumer Commerce and ATG Business Commerce. Intended for programmers and site administrators.

ATG Business Control Center User's Guide

Describes how to use the ATG Business Control Center’s Web interface to manage user profiles and organizations; create and assign roles; segment site visitors; and define rules for personalizing site content. Also includes setup and configuration information. Intended for all audiences.

ATG Repository Guide

Describes the ATG Repository API, the heart of ATG’s Data Anywhere Architecture. Presents programming concepts for advanced users, including SQL repositories, LDAP repositories, secured repositories, and composite repositories. Includes examples and reference information to help programmers develop applications using the Repository API.

ATG Offer Management Guide

Provides guidelines for creating and delivering personalized dynamic content to users of ATG Service applications, using ATG scenarios and personalization.

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