Simple customization involves writing custom JSPs and configuring nucleus components to refer to that JSP. For example, to replace the area of the Product View panel that displays product SKUS and allows agents to enter quantities for each SKU, you would modify the /atg/commerce/custsvc/ui/

Because renderer components are globally scoped, you can temporarily change the page though the Dynamo HTML admin. All renderer components exist in the nucleus configuration path at /atg/commerce/custsvc/ui/renderers/. So if you are using JBoss, the SKU rendering component may be located at:


Changing the url property of this component to point to the new JSP temporarily implements the customization. To make this configuration persistent, you must use a configuration file.

All components live under the nucleus path /atg/commerce/custsvc/ui/renderers/. There are four components for each renderer:

Pages that use renderers reference them using the path and the base name, for example:

<csr:renderer name="/atg/commerce/custsvc/renderers/ProductInformation">

There are optional RenderInfo properties, which include:

There is also a subclass RenderInfo for additional custom properties.

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