Quick access catalogs and price lists are available as sub navigational menus from the catalog and price-list menus, allowing quick access the most commonly used catalogs and price-lists.

Quick access catalogs and price-lists are configured by creating SiteOption items in the /atg/svc/ServiceRepository and specifying the catalog or price-list IDs of the catalogs or price-lists that should appear in the quick-access menus. The defaultValue property specifies a list of catalog or price-list IDs for the catalogs or price-lists to display.

The following is an example of a quick-access catalog site:

    <add-item item-descriptor="SiteOption" id="QuickAccessCatalogs">
      <set-property name="name" value="QuickAccessCatalogs"/>
      <set-property name="accessRight" value="serviceAdminDefaultRight"/>
      <set-property name="multiValued" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="dataType" value="String"/>
      <set-property name="defaultValue" value="catalog10002,masterCatalog"/>

The following is an example of a quick-access price-list site:

    <add-item item-descriptor="SiteOption" id="QuickAccessPriceLists">
      <set-property name="name" value="QuickAccessPriceLists"/>
      <set-property name="accessRight" value="serviceAdminDefaultRight"/>
      <set-property name="multiValued" value="true"/>
      <set-property name="dataType" value="String"/>
      <set-property name="defaultValue" value="listPrices,plist20003,salePrices"/>
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