To use the Repository Web Service wizard to create a repository Web Service:

  1. Open the ATG Dynamo Administration interface and navigate to the Web Service Administration > Web Service Creation Wizard > Repository Web Service page.

  2. Identify the repository component that the Web Service should access. You can do this in one of two ways. The Create Repository Web Service page displays a text field in which you can enter the Nucleus address of the repository component and click the Submit button. The Create Repository Web Service page also displays a list of all repository components that are registered in the initialRepositories property of the /atg/registry/ContentRepositories component. You can select a repository component by clicking the link with the Nucleus address of the repository component.

  3. The next page, with the heading Select item descriptor, displays all of the item descriptors in the repository component you selected. Click the link for the item descriptor you want to expose in your Web Service.

  4. The next page, with the heading Select Method, displays the methods that are available for the item descriptor you selected. For example, if the item descriptor is mutable, the following methods are available:

    The Select Method page also allows you to create a Web Service for a specific property. The page displays a list of links for each of the properties of the item descriptor you selected. Click one of these property names to create a Web Service for an individual repository item property.

    The property name link leads to a list of the Web Service methods that are available for that repository item property, as well as notes about the Web Service limitations, if any, related to the repository item property. See Repository Web Service Limitations for more information.

    Click the name of the method you want to expose in your Web Service.

  5. In the EAR Name & Servlet Settings page, the Web Service Creation Wizard displays default names for the EAR file and servlet to be created. You can modify the default names. You can also, if you choose, enter a description for the servlet and a network hostname and port number for the Web Service. If you leave the fields blank, the values are dynamically assigned at runtime from the URL used for the WSDL file request. You should generally leave these fields blank, unless you want to require the Web Service to be accessed on a specific server and port.

    Enter any settings you want to change and click the Next button.

  6. In the Enterprise & Web Application Settings page, the Web Service Creation Wizard displays default names for the enterprise application and Web application to be created. You can modify the default names. You can also, if you choose, enter a description for the enterprise application and Web application.

    Enter any settings you want to change and click the Next button.

  7. The Session & Security Options page allows you to select one of the following three options for the Web Service:

    • Provide neither a session nor security constraints

    • Provide a session, but no security constraints

    • Provide both a session and security constraints

    If you choose the last option, the wizard then prompts you to select a security configuration. See the Creating Custom Web Services section for information about security configurations for Web Services.

  8. The Create EAR File page displays the parameter values you have selected for your Web Service. Review them, then click the Create EAR File button to create the Web Service.

    The Web Service is created in an EAR file. You will find the EAR file in the <ATG10dir>/home directory, with the name you selected in step 4.

To use the new Web Service, you need to deploy it. See the Deploying Web Services section.

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