URLs are a central component of REST Web Services, as you access different components and functions of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform using specific URLs.

The application path for REST URLs, which is the portion of the URL that follows the hostname and port number, starts with /rest/. For example, you would use the following URL to initiate adding an item to a shopping cart using the /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CartModifierActor/addItemToOrder component.

http://servername:port/rest/REST framework type/atg/

The portion of the application path following /rest/ identifies which version of the ATG REST framework type you are using.

The REST MVC framework uses /model, for example:


For additional information, refer to The REST MVC Definition Framework section.

The Legacy REST framework uses /bean, /repository or /service, depending on the component used. For example:


For additional information, refer to the Using Legacy REST Web Services section. For additional information on component paths, refer to the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

URLs can supply additional data to the REST Web Service using parameters or form post data. By setting control parameters, as described in the Adding Control Parameters section, or standard query and/or post parameters, you can set values, supply arguments to a method, or supply form field values. You use standard URL query string syntax when adding parameters.

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