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Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch HTML Document Collection for Firmware Version 2.1
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Product Notes

Related Documentation


Access to Oracle Support


Understanding the Gateway

Gateway Overview

Physical Specifications

Environmental Requirements

Acoustic Noise Emissions

Electrical Specifications

NET MGT Connector and Pins

USB Management Connector and Pins

Data QSFP Connector and Pins

Understanding Cabling

Routing Service Cables

Understanding Data Cabling

Preparing to Install the Gateway

Installation Preparation

Suggested Tools for Installation

Antistatic Precautions for Installation

Installation Responsibilities

Installation Sequence

Verify Shipping Carton Contents

Assemble the Optical Fiber Data Cables

Route the Data Cables

Installing the Gateway

Install the Gateway in the Rack

Powering On the Gateway

Connecting Data cables

Verifying the InfiniBand Fabric


Troubleshooting the Gateway

Gateway Hardware Problems

InfiniBand Fabric Problems

Network Management Troubleshooting Guidelines

Understanding Routing Through the Gateway

Switch GUIDs Overview

Understanding Administrative Commands

Configuration Overview

Oracle ILOM Command Overview

Hardware Command Overview

InfiniBand Command Overview

Administering the Chassis

Monitoring the Chassis

Controlling the Chassis

Administering the I4 Switch Chip

Monitoring the I4 Switch Chip

Controlling the I4 Switch Chip

Administering the Subnet Manager

Monitoring the Subnet Manager

Controlling the Subnet Manager

Configuring Secure Fabric Management

Administering the InfiniBand Fabric

Monitoring the InfiniBand Fabric

Controlling the InfiniBand Fabric

Administering Gateway Resources

Installing Gateway Supportive Software (Linux)

Creating VNICs Under Gateway Manual Mode (Linux)

Creating VNICs Under Host Manual Mode (Linux)

Creating Virtual IO Adapters (Oracle Solaris)

Monitoring Gateway Resources

Controlling LAGs

Controlling VLANs and VNICs

Controlling Gateway Ports and Parameters

Remote Management

Understanding Oracle ILOM on the Gateway

Oracle ILOM Overview

Supported Features

Understanding Oracle ILOM Targets

Administering Oracle ILOM (CLI)

CLI Overview

Accessing Oracle ILOM From the CLI

Switching Between the Oracle ILOM Shell and the Linux Shell

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (CLI)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (CLI)

Upgrading the Gateway Firmware Through Oracle ILOM (CLI)

Administering Oracle ILOM (Web)

Web Interface Overview

Access Oracle ILOM From the Web Interface

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Performing Daily Tasks (Web)

Display the Date (Web)

Display Faulted System Components (Web)

Display the Gateway Status LEDs States (Web)

Display the Aggregate Sensors State (Web)

Display Power Supply Status (Web)

Display Board-Level Voltages (Web)

Display Internal Temperatures (Web)

Display Fan Status (Web)

Display the Oracle ILOM Sessions (Web)

Display the Oracle ILOM Event Log (Web)

Checking the Status of Services (Web)

Display the HTTP Service Status (Web)

Display the HTTPS Service Status (Web)

Display the SSL Certificates (Web)

Display the SNMP Service Status (Web)

Display the SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)

Display the SNMP Service Communities (Web)

Display the IPMI Service Status (Web)

Display the DNS Client Status (Web)

Display the SMTP Client Status (Web)

Display the Network Time Protocol Servers (Web)

Verifying Other Aspects With Oracle ILOM (Web)

Display the Alert Properties (Web)

Display the Oracle ILOM User Accounts (Web)

Display the Remote Log Hosts (Web)

Display the Network Management Configuration (Web)

Display the CLI Session Timeout (Web)

Display System Component FRU ID (Web)

Display the Firmware Version (Web)

Display the Oracle ILOM Version (Web)

Display System Identification Properties (Web)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Performing General Tasks on Oracle ILOM Targets (Web)

Restart the Management Controller (Web)

Set the Date and Time (Web)

Set the Time Zone (Web)

Clear Faulted System Components (Web)

Enable the Locator LED (Web)

Disable the Locator LED (Web)

Clear the Oracle ILOM Event Log (Web)

Set the Remote Log Hosts (Web)

Configure the DNS Client (Web)

Configure the SMTP Client (Web)

Back Up the Configuration (Web)

Restore the Configuration (Web)

Create a Snapshot of the Gateway State (Web)

Snapshot Dataset Information (Web)

Set the Network Management Parameters (Web)

Set the System Identification Properties (Web)

Performing Oracle ILOM User Tasks (Web)

Add an Oracle ILOM User Account (Web)

Change an Oracle ILOM User's Password and or Role (Web)

Delete an Oracle ILOM User Account (Web)

Managing HTTP Services (Web)

Enable the HTTP Service (Web)

Disable the HTTP Service (Web)

Managing HTTPS Services (Web)

Enable the HTTPS Service (Web)

Install a Custom SSL Certificate and Key (Web)

Remove the Custom SSL Certificate and Key (Web)

Disable the HTTPS Service (Web)

Managing SNMP Services (Web)

Enable the SNMP Service (Web)

Configure the SNMP Service (Web)

Add SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)

Modify SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)

Delete SNMP Service User Accounts (Web)

Add SNMP Service Communities (Web)

Modify SNMP Service Communities (Web)

Delete SNMP Service Communities (Web)

Download SNMP Service MIBs (Web)

Disable the SNMP Service (Web)

Managing IPMI Services (Web)

Enable the IPMI Service (Web)

Disable the IPMI Service (Web)

Managing Other Aspects With Oracle ILOM (Web)

Enable Alerts to Send SNMP Traps (Web)

Enable Alerts to Send PETs (Web)

Enable Alerts to Send Email Alerts (Web)

Disable Alerts (Web)

Set the CLI Session Timeout (Web)

Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (Web)

Using the Fabric Monitor

Access the Fabric Monitor

Fabric Monitor Features

Accessing the Rear Panel Diagram

Accessing Status Pane Information

Control Panel Function

Monitoring Parameters and Status

Administering Oracle ILOM (SNMP)

SNMP Overview

Understanding SNMP Commands

Monitoring Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)

Controlling Oracle ILOM Targets (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

ipmitool Overview

Display the Sensor States (IPMI)

Display the Sensor Information (IPMI)

Display the System Event Log (IPMI)

Display FRU ID Information (IPMI)

Display Gateway Status LED States (IPMI)

Enable the Locator LED (IPMI)

Disable the Locator LED (IPMI)

Understanding Oracle ILOM Commands

cd Command

create Command

delete Command

dump Command

exit Command (Oracle ILOM)

help Command (Oracle ILOM)

load Command

reset Command

set Command

show Command

version Command (Oracle ILOM)


Detecting and Managing Faults

Interpreting Status LEDs

Managing Faulty Components

Identify Faults in the Oracle ILOM Event Log

Determining the Alarm State of a Component or System

Evaluating Sensor Alarms

Accessing CLI Prompts

Understanding Service Procedures

Replaceable Components

Suggested Tools for Service

Antistatic Precautions for Service

Servicing Power Supplies

Determine If a Power Supply Is Faulty

Inspecting a Power Supply

Power Off a Power Supply

Remove a Power Supply

Install a Power Supply

Power On a Power Supply

Servicing Fans

Determine If a Fan Is Faulty

Inspecting a Fan

Remove a Fan

Install a Fan

Servicing Data Cables

Inspecting the Data Cables

Remove a Data Cable

Install a Data Cable

Servicing the Battery

Determine If the Battery Is Faulty

Remove the Gateway From the Rack

Replace the Battery


Understanding Hardware Commands

Linux Shells for Hardware Commands

addlagport Command

allowhostconfig Command

autodisable Command

checkboot Command

checkpower Command

checktopomax Command

checkvoltages Command

connector Command

create_ipoib Command

createfabric Command

createlag Command

createvlan Command

createvnic Command

dcsport Command

delete_ipoib Command

deletelag Command

deletevlan Command

deletevnic Command

dellagport Command

disablecablelog Command

disablegwport Command

disablelagmode Command

disablelinklog Command

disablesm Command

disableswitchport Command

disablevnic Command

disallowhostconfig Command

enablecablelog Command

enablegwport Command

enablelagmode Command

enablelinklog Command

enablesm Command

enableswitchport Command

enablevnic Command

env_test Command

exit Command (Hardware)

fdconfig Command

fwverify Command

generatetopology Command

getfanspeed Command

getmaster Command

getportcounters Command

getportstatus Command

help Command (Hardware)

listlinkup Command

localmkeypersistence Command

matchtopology Command

modifyvnic Command

setcontrolledhandover Command

setdefaultgwdiscpkey Command

setgwethport Command

setgwinstance Command

setgwsl Command

setgwsystemname Command

sethostvniclimit Command

setmsmlocationmonitor Command

setsmmkey Command

setsmpriority Command

setsmrouting Command

setsubnetprefix Command

showdisk Command

showfree Command

showfruinfo Command

showgwconfig Command

showgwports Command

showioadapters Command

showlag Command

showpsufru Command

showsmlog Command

showtemps Command

showtopology Command

showunhealthy Command

showvlan Command

showvnics Command

smconfigtest Command

smnodes Command

smpartition Command

smsubnetprotection Command

version Command (Hardware)

Understanding InfiniBand Commands

Linux Shells for InfiniBand Commands

ibdiagnet Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnetstatus Command

ibnodes Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibrouters Command

ibstat Command

ibswitches Command

ibtracert Command

perfquery Command

saquery Command

smpquery Command

Understanding SNMP MIB OIDs

OID Tables Overview

Understanding the SUN-DCS-IB-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the SUN-FABRIC-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB MIB OIDs


Understanding the SUN-PLATFORM-MIB MIB OIDs

Understanding the ENTITY-MIB MIB OIDs


Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (Web)

Note - If you are going to downgrade the firmware to a version earlier than 2.1, you must disable secret M_Keys. Refer to Gateway Administration, disabling secret M_Key functionality.

Note - If you are going to downgrade the firmware to a version earlier than 2.0, you must remove user partitions and depopulate the Subnet Manager nodes list. Refer to Gateway Administration, removing partitions for firmware downgrade.

  1. Acquire the firmware package.

    See Acquire the Gateway Firmware Package (CLI).

  2. Consider your next step.
    • If you are upgrading from firmware version 2.0 or newer, go to Step 9.

    • If you are upgrading from a firmware version earlier than 2.0, go to Step 3.

  3. Open an SSH session as user root and connect to the management controller by specifying the controller's host name.
    % ssh -l root gateway_name
    root@gateway_name's password: password

    where gateway_name is the host name of the management controller. Initially, the password is changeme.

  4. If the Subnet Manager is running on the management controller, disable the Subnet Manager.
    # disablesm
    Stopping partitiond daemon.                                [  OK  ]
    Stopping IB Subnet Manager..                               [  OK  ]
  5. Verify that there is at least 150 MB available in the /tmp directory.
    # df -h /tmp
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    tmpfs                 250M  240K 249M 1% /tmp

    In this example, there are 249 MB available. If not enough space is available, you must delete files from the /tmp directory.

  6. Verify that there is at least 1 MB available in the /config directory.
    # df -h /config
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda2              16M  3.6M   11M  25% /config

    In this example, there are 11 MB available. If not enough space is available, you must delete files from the /config directory.

  7. Verify that there is at least 1 MB available in the /var/log directory.
    # df -h /var/log
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda3              16M  3.6M   11M  25% /var/log

    In this example, there are 11 MB available. If not enough space is available, you must delete files from the /var/log directory.

  8. Verify that there is at least 150 MB free memory available.
    # free -m
                     total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:           498        104        393          0         12         47
    -/+ buffers/cache:         45        453
    Swap:            0          0          0

    In the -/+ buffers/cache: row of the free column, there should be at least 150 MB free memory. In this example, there are 453 MB available. If not enough memory is available, you must exit nonessential applications that are running.

  9. Access the Oracle ILOM web interface.

    See Access Oracle ILOM From the Web Interface.

  10. Click the Maintenance tab.
  11. Click the Firmware Upgrade subtab.

    The Firmware Upgrade pane is displayed.

  12. Click Enter Upgrade Mode.

    A dialog box opens and asks you to confirm.

  13. Click OK.

    The Firmware Upgrade window changes to Upgrade mode and now accepts a URL and file name of the gateway firmware package.

    Note - For the specified URL, the FTP, HTTP, and TFTP protocols are supported.

  14. Click Upload.

    Oracle ILOM transfers the gateway firmware package to the management controller. Oracle ILOM verifies the package integrity and displays the current versions of the firmware and versions in the package.

  15. Click Start Upgrade.

    A dialog box opens and asks you to confirm.

  16. Click OK.

    The upgrade begins and the status of the upgrade is reported.

    When the upgrade process ends, a log and summary report are displayed.

  17. Click OK.

    A final status is displayed, the upgrade either:

    • Succeeded

    • Partially succeeded

    • Failed

  18. Reboot the gateway to enable the new firmware.

    Refer to Gateway Administration, restarting the entire gateway.

    Note - The restart process takes between 4 to 5 minutes to complete.

    You can monitor the update progress through:

    • web browser – http://gateway_name

    • CLI – telnet gateway_name 1234

    where gateway_name is the host name or IP address of the management controller.

    Note - The Oracle ILOM stack requires at least 2 minutes to become operational after a reboot.

  19. If the Subnet Manager was disabled in Step 4, log in to Oracle ILOM, access the restricted Linux shell, and enable the Subnet Manager.
    % ssh -l ilom-admin gateway_name
    ilom-admin@gateway_name's password: password
    -> show /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
    NOTE: show on Fabric_Mgmt will launch a restricted Linux shell. 
             User can execute switch diagnosis, SM Configuration and IB
             monitoring commands in the shell. To view the list of commands,
             use "help" at rsh prompt. 
             Use exit command at rsh prompt to revert back to
             ILOM shell.
    Starting IB Subnet Manager.                                [  OK  ]
    Starting partitiond daemon.                                [  OK  ]
  20. Access the Oracle ILOM web interface.

    See Access Oracle ILOM From the Web Interface.

  21. Verify the success of the firmware update.

    See Display the Firmware Version (Web).

  22. Verify the firmware integrity.

    See Verify Firmware Integrity (CLI).

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