Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.2 Release Notes

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Updated: September 2014, E39651-02

Hard to Determine Data Service Names for solaris10 Branded Zone Noninteractive Data Service Installation (15804349)

Problem Summary: Determining the agent names to specify when using the clzonecluster install-cluster command to install agents with the –s option is difficult.

Workaround: When using the clzonecluster install-cluster -d dvd -s {all | software-component[,…]} options zone-cluster command to create a solaris10 brand of zone cluster, you can specify the following cluster components with the –s option:

  • geo

  • 9ias

  • apache

  • container

  • dhcp

  • dns

  • ebs (SPARC only)

  • hadb

  • ids

  • iws

  • kerberos

  • livecache

  • mqi

  • mqs

  • mys

  • n1ge

  • n1sps

  • nfs

  • obiee (SPARC only)

  • oep

  • ohs

  • opmn

  • oracle

  • pax (SPARC only)

  • PeopleSoft (SPARC only)

  • PostgreSQL

  • rac

  • s1as

  • s1mq

  • saa (SPARC only)

  • sag (SPARC only)

  • sap

  • sapdb

  • sapnetw

  • sapwebas

  • siebel (SPARC only)

  • smb

  • sybase

  • TimesTen

  • tomcat

  • wls

  • xvm (SPARC only)