Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.2 Release Notes

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Updated: September 2014, E39651-02

NFS Resource and HASP Resources Fail in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 on Oracle Solaris 11.1 and Oracle Solaris 11.2 With zfs recv (17365301)

Problem Summary: This issue might occur on a system configured with a SUNW.HAStoragePlus (HASP) resource managing a ZFS storage pool (zpool) and a SUNW.nfs resource managing an NFS share of a ZFS file system from this zpool. For more information, see the SUNW.nfs (5) man page.

When a large zfs send and zfs recv is performed with a snapshot from another system to a separate ZFS sub-volume on the same zpool that is managed by HASP, both the NFS and the HASP resources might fail in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 running on Oracle Solaris 11.1 or Oracle Solaris 11.2.

Workaround: Before starting data replication of the file system that is actively managed under the Oracle Solaris Cluster resource, do either of the following:

  • Execute the following command to disable the NFS resource:

    # clresource disable nfs-resource-name
  • Execute the following command to disable monitoring of the NFS resource:

    # clresource unmonitor nfs-resource-name

Once data replication is successfully completed, bring the NFS resource to a monitored and online state.