Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.2 Release Notes

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Updated: September 2014, E39651-02

Creation of labeled Brand of Zone Clusters Fail (19074503)

Problem Summary: Creation of the labeled brand of zone clusters fails on Oracle Solaris 11.2.

Workaround: Add the following lines to the /usr/lib/brand/labeled/config.xml file.

<resource name="zone">
<property name="pool" reset-on-clone="false"/>

The three lines added to the /usr/lib/brand/labeled/config.xml file must match the same three lines in the /usr/lib/brand/solaris/config.xml file.

Following is an example of the config.xml file for the labeled brand of zone cluster.

<brand name="labeled" supports_zonestatd="true" requires_hostid="false">
<resource name="zone">
<property name="pool" reset-on-clone="false"/>